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Hey folks,

New week, new prototype update. Check the changelog for all the details!


Full Changelog (0.2.19P)

Online Multiplayer

  • Improved hand physics for the VR player. Fingers now collide with physics objects, makes slapping easier because the hand collider is effectively larger.
  • Local battle now uses the same codebase as online. When playing a match locally, select Local Battle in the main menu.
  • The old local battle, with all the prototypes and maps associated with that codebase, has been move to More > Legacy Battle
  • Sunken City now available in Online mode, revised to version 5
  • Mouse scroll wheel now works on all scrollable UI
  • Warriors now retain same colour after restart
  • Map dropdown now correctly syncs between server and client
  • Fixed issue that prevent keyboard players from joining after a gamepad player joined in lobby
  • Credits screen now automatically updates with new patron names
  • Credits screen now can be sorted by membership length and support level

Custom Maps (Govigedit)

  • Error handling added for null reference checks and mesh collisions



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