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Wayne Bradish

I knew the Feds wood catch up with you at some point. See you in 20 years 😁😁


What did you do now? 🤣🤣

Debbie Kurtzman

Glad to see the tornadoes didn’t let all the bad guys loose! 🤣


Thought for a second you were at Joliet. Blues Brothers flashback!

Steve Davis

Brother inlaw worked there for 15 years. He has some wild ass stories. He worked in cell block 5 death row.

Wayne Bradish

This place looks cool as hell, and this is the place you want to be during a tornado.

Joanne Winters

Yes definitely a place you want to be during a tornado I don't think you can get much safer than not being in tornado Alley thank you Eric you're so special I'm so glad we have you you are really awesome at what you do


I was thinking Blues Brother too

Debbie T

Spooky looking building 🙀

Marie McAllister

I used to work for department of corrections in Florida. I love doing tours of old prisons just to compare them It's quite cool and also disgusting. Have the blast and don't forget wash your hands thoroughly when you're done. I know what they put on those walls🤣🤣


At least you're not still in ILLannoys!


I was so hoping to take you to the TN one where they filmed The Green Mile here. Next time through…. LOL. Pretty cool!