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It is what it is.


Deborah Harmse

Vehicle insurance sure is interesting. A few months ago a kid late for work blew through a STOP sign and smashed in to me. I was lucky—not hurt AND he had insurance. I was advised that since he was at fault and had insurance that I should not even report the accident. (He had Geico.) That’s what I did—his insurance paid for the repair AND a rental car for the week it took. I was amazed. But again, I was lucky. He had insurance. I really feel for you, Eric. This entire situation sucks. Dang.


What's the point or incentive of auto insurance? The incentive is that you don't have a choice, because you'll suffer government implications if you don't partake. The industry doesn't have to be fair when the customers are obligated to use the services. I'm not saying insurance is bad. You'd be an idiot to drive around without it, but idiots do that anyway, and it's the smart people who suffer the consequences of a broken system they're forced to use.


It’s funny that Americans are required by “LAW” to have auto insurance that provides no protection ( without a heavy financial cost) but illegal Aliens are given a pass! The laws in California prohibits law enforcement to impound vehicles driven by unlicensed and uninsured illegals!! Welcome to California!!

Solo Hiker

Just wait until you have to deal with medical insurance...😥


Insurance is the second biggest scam in history. Politicians #1

Debbie Kurtzman

After all these years, no accidents, so tickets, nothing… and they don’t have “accident forgiveness” even though it wasn’t your fault? That’s wrong!! 😡


When I changed insurance companies my new insurance company did not ding me for an accident because it wasn't my fault. Insurance companies are great when you are paying them, but when you need them they just crap all over you. They are just like sleazy lawyers and airlines that tout cheap prices and charge you for everything under the sun.


Land of the free

Debbie T

I second State Farm. I had Progressive for 25 years. It increased like crazy the past 2 years. I switched to State Farm and it was ½ the price for the same coverage. Just got the renewal and it didn’t increase at all.

Rachel Pilgrim

It’s not an industry. It’s a racket!