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Maybe I’m easily impressed or something, but this was the most amazing pizza experience of my life. This guy plays organ so amazingly.




That looks like Elton Johns Piano……..😂


You had too!! This diet's killing me!!


Two things I never thought I’d see together!

Daren Cole

Love OSP. That pizza looks 👌

Nicholas Ervin

Wow!! What a cool place! My church has a GIANT pipe organ and the one time a year I go (Christmas Eve Mass); its always beautiful to hear! So the pipe organ sounds amazing.... How is the pizza?! Was it "throw it on the ground" good? 😜

Mary Brown

Where is that place? Looks amazing!


Ummm… That might be edible, but you better let me test it first. Just sayin’.

C-Shell Surf

I would love to try pizzas 🍕 from various places. Your adventurous nature gives you an opportunity to do & see things many people miss out on. I’ll bet the pizza ended up “ on the floor” 😂 Looks good to me🤤🌺🤙


The place looks like it used to be a Beer Haus.


Reminds me of a pizza place in Groton, CT called "Pizza, Pipes and Pandemonium". Our kids loved it. Lots of noise and good pizza too.