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It literally is an ongoing never-ending joke. I just cannot escape the rain even in the desert.




At least you're sharing 😂😉😍


Beautiful 😻




Are you friggin’ kidding me????!!!!! Omg. Like seriously WTF Eric!!!??? Are you some kind of “One Man Rain Band”???!!!!

Mysterious Cat

Hope you film that train ride thing in Quartzsite again, if its running.

C-Shell Surf

It has been crazy weather. I always keep you guys in my prayers for a safe journeys & adventures. It is just so unbelievable, but true.

Rachel Pilgrim

Of course it rained! You should charge states in droughts to come visit - they should pay you to bring the rain!

Josh C

Maybe states should hire you to come to their state so it'll rain all the time, making it rain is something you're apparently very good at.

Greg and Dawn

Haha!! Well thank you for coming West!!! We needed you!