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Wondrous item, uncommon

Inspired by the bag of boulderstones, reversible shrinking magic has helped found a new business model for metalworkers; that of the travelling smith. Combined with a dragonmaw shield, which acts as a portable forge, this shrinkable hammer and anvil can be worn around the neck like an amulet, ready to be re-enlarged when the smith comes across a horse in need of shoeing, or a group of adventurers needing looted armour resized.

Enlarge. As an action, you can take off the steel necklace and press the embedded tourmaline. The 1-inch hammer and anvil detach from one another, and instantly grow in size by a factor of 20. The anvil weighs 1000 lbs and the hammer has the statistics of a warhammer that deals magical bludgeoning damage. Hammer, anvil, and chain are all magically protected against rust and deterioration.

Reduce. When the chain and hammer are laid on top of the anvil, you can press either of the tourmalines as an action, causing the items to shrink and reform as an amulet.


Rare version: You have a +2 bonus to any checks you make to work metal with this hammer anvil.

Very rare version: You have a +4 bonus to any checks you make to work metal with this hammer and anvil.

Legendary version: You have a +5 bonus to any checks you make to work metal with this hammer and anvil. In addition, while you wear the amulet or hold the enlarged hammer you can speak, read, and write dwarvish, and can cast the heat metal spell at will (save DC 17)

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