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Little Macintosh Junior

"With smooth words like mine, I can out talk any danger.”

Gender: Male

Parents: Big Mac and Sugar Belle

Siblings: none

Species: Earth

Specia: Black Smith

NickNames: Lil'Mac, Macintosh


Lil'Mac was a foal that had a lot of energy. He always needed to be doing something. Sitting still was not his strong suit and anything that involved sitting for more than 5 min was just pure torture to the colt. However, when he was old enough, he learned his passion for black smith. Learning how to bend metal into something new was very fascinating to him. And to his parent's surprise, he could work in the black smith for hours. 

But black smithin was not his only passion. His other passion was singing. And singing could he do! It didn't long to notice the tiny foal had his parent's talent in having a beautiful voice. 

He’s considered very good looking and is extremely smooth with any pony he talks too. He hardly gets In trouble, even when it’s his fault. He just talks right out of punishment.

Other than that, he is extremely kind and when he is not working to go out and have a few drinks with his friends. Funny enough, he only ever gets soda. Diet preferred.


The black smith was run by Coal Steps dad, Rock Breaker. Who had come to live in ponyville to be closer to Harvey. In his old age, Lil'Mac learned so much from Rocky. They grew very close in there passion in metals and black smithin. Lil'Mac was devastated when he died. His relationship with Rocky made him very close to Harvy. The three often spending time together before Rocky passed. 

He loves both his parents dearly. Even if sometimes he feels the only thing he has in common with them is singing. He does not look at the farm as something he wants to do for ever. That does however worry them in who will run the business when they are gone. Since his parents now own a separate farm from Apple Jack. 

But he loves his parents so much so for that because they won't force him to work as a farmer when singing and being a black smith are his talents and what he wants to do. 

He has a lot of friends and is really close with all his cousins! 


-Has a pet fish he talks to when something troubles him

-Has fallen in love more times than he can count but only truely feels a connection when he meets Scratches daughter

-Is def on the bigger side but more learner like his mom. Still not has big as his dad. Although its rare when ponies are bigger than Big Mac.


Working on getting more character sheets done! This guy was redesigned by RatUnknown on DA! 



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