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I guess it ain't pretty being her, especially when she's in 3D! Minerva Mink from Animaniacs is now available to patreons!


Moveable hair, nose, teeth, tail and tongue

Removable shirt

 Facial Flexes with corrective shapes (V5)



V2: Given the model a facelift to look more closer to the original look as possible, as well as some clothing details. It is also UV Mapped with some textures ready for games.

V2 (Updated): Texture directory bug fixes.

V3: Minor model tweaks, reduced polycount, more detailed textures.

V3 (Updated): Minor model tweaks, increased polycount, more detailed textures and facial flexes. 

V4: Remodeled with partial facial rigging and flexes. Updated textures.

V4 (UPDATED): Added more facial flexes.

V5:  Remodeled to make it look  closer to the original and higher quality,  with high resolution detailed  textures, with facial flexes and  corrective shapes.  

V6 -  Remodeled to make it closer to source with retopology + subdivision  technique, updated textures and rig, with less complex facial flexes  and corrective shapes.


Zip file includes save files of the model using Blender and Autodesk Maya 2018 and a OBJ. file to make the model portable to all other 3D applications.

Thank you so much and have fun with this model! If there is any complaints or concerns, feel free to let me know.

I also take 3D model suggestions, so don't be afraid to ask! Help make my Patreon page grow!

Minerva Mink ©Amblin Entertainment/Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.




Nice model! Can I get this ported to SFM?


I have a suggestion. Queen Tyranee from duck dodgers


Do Runt from Animaniacs.


hi on deviantart I click the Roxanne link and Minerva appeared


Fixed my description. Thanks for pointing that out! The Roxanne model will be available tonight or tomorrow, so stay tuned!