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Thank God everyone is on Track and Angel is back :)

Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ivf2te09v9bm4ot/Angel%20S2xE16%20encoder.mp4?dl=0

Buffy is Tomorrow morning guys. The ending had me crushed I couldn't edit the episode in time. 

And remember "The smallest act of kindness is the greatest thing in the world. "



Kendra Frank

I think it had the opposite affect because he wasn't having sex to feel love and happiness, he was so completely lost and depressed and that was a way out, the curse is there to keep him hopeless and guilty, and he still felt all of that when he was with Darla. But when he was with Buffy, he was there for her, and he forgot his guilt for those moments, whereas he was full of guilt with Darla. So when he hit rock bottom and still came out with a soul, he realized how far gone he was.


Sorry guys I’m playing catch up as I haven’t watched Angel in over a decade. It’s been brilliant watching it again with Sofie as her passion and enthusiasm for what I considered mandatory viewing growing up is so refreshing so Chefs Kiss x to Sofie’s content. As for this episode I think the writers let slip the inspiration for this plot point in something The Host said when he referenced “Zuzu’s Petals” so for anyone who’s seen “It’s a Wonderful Life” Angel’s moment of total despair with Darla was the same as George Bailey jumping from the bridge in the opening act, and who doesn’t enjoy a little bit of divine intervention sprinkled in (The PTB making an exception for Kate) for some pathos and Hope that the good guys aren’t alone. They tried to hint at it in the previous episode when the shop keeper said Angels good intentions all those years ago changed his life, if nothing you do matters than all the matters is what you do, very George Bailey.