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I'm sorry for being late guys. Again it's the watch along version so bring your own copy to watch with me.

Hope you Enjoy!!

Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/eqet7w01val9n46/GOT%20S1xE03%20encoder.mp4?dl=0




Don’t worry about it there is no fire! 😅 We can wait a while. Thanks for all the work. PS: I was septic for the watch along format, but it works very well. Congratulations for your 503 PATRONS!


Just to clarify some things: winter is about the weather just as it is in our world but when you go far enough north (the wall and beyond) it is cold enough to always have snow, sort of like the arctic and Antarctica. When winter comes the cold weather will spread throughout the continent, and of course get even worse in the north. The reason Ned is not thankful to Jamie for killing the Mad King is because Ned values loyalty above all, Jamie was a kingsguard to the Mad King, meaning he was supposed to protect him but instead he betrayed and killed him. This is why he kept his position when Robert became king but Ned, along with many other noblemen do not trust him. Jamie's backstory and character arc is one of my favourites and I'm excited for you to see it play out.


According to legends, the Wall was built by the founder of the House of Stark, Brandon the Builder, eight thousand years ago - after the end of the Long Night. As far as I remember , this is not mentioned in the series , but it is in the book . The world of Game of Thrones is one of the most thoughtful and largest in history . You can read about each house in the book in detail, you can learn the stories of all the characters in the most detail


My favorite character in the books is Jaime Lannister . In the series my favorite Tyrion Lannister


Fighting the urge to explain the recent history of the great houses and they're positions leading into and throughout Roberts War more but I'm afraid of it becoming to spoilery and honestly, you're picking it up great and will learn things as they're revealed. One thing you may want to do is set aside the idea of good and evil being a black and white thing. Pretty much everyone is some shade of grey in this world, some darker and others lighter to be sure but grey all the same.


The actors were speaking Dothraki, a language created for the show based on the words in the books. You are picking up on a lot of details easily. It took me a long time to understand what was happening and actually I don't think I started really enjoying the show until later in the series. Now, I love it and appreciate it and the dialogue so much more than I did on the first watch.


great reaction !!! one little thing if you can please give a heads up before pausing cuz it kept messing up the sync for me :)