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Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/enj1q7klmaecow8/The%20vampire%20diaries%20S7xE20%20encoder.mp4?dl=0




For all of it's good individual moments there are so many characters that this season especially late season 7 completely obliterates shamelessly....I mean they have this weird thing with Alaric and Caroline which for me personally turns one of the best characters of the series into 1/4 creep, 1/4 delusional and 2/4 boring and uninteresting, there's something so weird to me from her being one of his former students to him being a father figure to the group to now quote on quote dating Caroline however genuine it is or not even conceptually is just WRONG to me...If Matt was given nothing to do for the past 2 seasons now all he has to go on is just to bitch 24/7...And we are fliflopping between villains faster than we can even keep track of them....With none of them sticking out as particularly remarkable and especially having any type of threat behind them considering they are being humanized just a few episodes after they are introduced....I have been too negative recently but it's just hard for me to be positive about many aspects of this season which is by far the very worst in my opinion- More power to you if you like it-And I do admit some scenes and concepts are great, there is just no followthrough about consistency in tone, or clearly organized plot, or anything resembling planning


episode 21 is kinda sad and I think it's one of the best of season 7 Matt is gonna get you mad from hear onwards


Matt has a right to bitch


Let's remember that technically Stefan killed Matt's sister and Damon turn her into a vampire, his town was destroyed by vampires. So I understand if Matt is mad at Stefan, not because is Stefan in particular, but because he has the right to be bitter and resentful and taking it to the first person around that is a vampire. Caroline and Alaric is an arrangement that is out of convenience for the sake of the kids, after all Caroline is their surrogate mother, and she wanted to be their mother. So they find an arrangement that is convenient for the both of them and for the kids. Alaric was Caroline ex teacher, but he is young, he is in his early thirties and Caroline at this point if she wasn't a vampire would be 22/23 years old or more, so between them there are only ten years, there are plenty of couples with that kind of age gap; plus Alaric is gorgeous. and kind and a nice person. In the time they spend together he developed feelings for her, and have been a perfect gentleman and for the sake of the girls wanted to give the relationship, at list an appearance of normality and marry Caroline, since they have been living together for 3 years. Of course Caroline is still in love with Stefan, it is pretty obvious, but is she willing to chose him before the girls after all that has happen?


Yes, your exactly on point about Alaric and Caroline, Patpet. I mean they both acknowledged that it was for the kids and not because Caroline has any feelings for Alaric. Plus, the age gap between Caroline and any of the vampires is like 100+ so for peopleto blame the age gap is kinda lame. Personally I too am rooting for Steroline like many others, but it doesn't mean that I don't understand the Alaric-Caroline relationship. And of course Alaric has changed! His wife got murdered and he has now got 2 kids! That tends to change people!!

Ahadou Alemu

Thank you for taking the time to rewatch for us🤍

Ahadou Alemu

Thank you for taking the time to rewatch for us🤍

Jay zay

Matt is a Beg. That’s we call him in my ends. A beg


I had to google "beg" because I'm not hip to todays slang, but OMG it fits Matt exactly. "A person who is a bit annoying, sucks up to people and pretends to be friends with people who aren't actually friends with."