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So I watched episode 20 but after i finished i found out that the camera wasn’t recording and didn’t notice at all. I’m not sure if I forgot to press play ot what exactly.. I’m so sorry this doesn’t happen usually. Now I’m not sure what to do should I just do the review now or record myself watching the episode again ? What do you think ?


Zeph 802

To save your time I’d vote to just do the review. Maybe add a little recap of the episode as well because I can’t remember much of what happened


Record it again, we know you watch it, then you might have more things to say about it because you watch it.

Jasmine Reigns

Wow that’s too bad 😞 Personally I don’t mind you just doing the review since you took the time watching the episode it would seem like double the time and it won’t be authentic! Maybe we can get episode 21 really soon.


Another reactor I follow had something similar happen once and their solution was to re-record and release a second viewing with the full disclosure of what happened, that it was a second viewing etc They commented throughout both based on what they were watching live for the second time and with recollections of the first watch. It seemed to me to be the most fair way to do it and I don't think any of the Patrons really minded. To be clear I'm not here for the TVD reactions but just my input, hope it helps. Don't sweat it whatever you decide.


As a Buffy/Angel fan myself, this was rude and unnecessary. You should be ashamed


I wouldn't mind you watching a second time and just talking about things you enjoyed from the episode. Maybe you will even catch some things you missed the second time around?


Whatever you like, if you post yourself watching it again i'll watch along can be more like a commentary and I liked or didn't like that moment etc, but obviously if it's redondant don't force yourself

Kristen Maddox

You can record yourself watching again to explain how you felt during the scenes and give your input. Sorry that happened 😔

King Author

Personally I would be content with your explanation in written form. It's not easy creating videos - they are very time consuming. And you are allowed to make a mistake once in a while. Nobody is perfect, not even the amazing Sofie. :)


It happens, it's okay. Let it be as you decide. But I wouldn't mind a second viewing with your comments. You can skip uninteresting scenes or scenes where you have nothing to say. Do what suits your health. If you haven't fully recovered yet, you feel bad or you don't have time, then you can just do a review.


SoFie, you work so hard. We aren’t just fans of the shows you watch but of you. Do what’s easiest for you. I think people really value your thoughts and opinions and however is easiest for you to convey that is fine by us.

Svetlana Grabar

Maybe a shorter video where you skip to the important scenes and comment on those? Don’t worry too much about it, it happens :)


Rewatch it, not only does it allow you to understand the info thrown at you, you can notice little things you may not notice the first time


oh I was really looking forward to it. I'm sorry that happened, you can choose to do whatever you're comfortable with


I was just saying to rewatching it and rerecording because the people coming late to the party or wanting to watch your entire body of TVD reactions, even after you finished will have a complete record of all the episodes. But it will be fine to me with whatever you'll decide Sofie.


Entirely agree it would be nice to have a complete set, also you're recording reactions to what happens. This happened so it's just part of the legacy (chose the word deliberately). But you should never feel that you let us down if you make a mistake, everyone makes mistakes. Heck, given how few you make, you need to rename the channel to Saint SoFie reacts - that's got a nice ring to it.

The Witch Hawk

LOVE your honesty - it reaffirms you as a genuine creator, creating authentic content. I’d say rewatch the episode and comment accordingly. We tend to notice things we may have overlooked on a second watch, which can enrich our analysis.




Please don't forget to unlock episode 15 of tvd🙌🤍