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Stefan can't catch a break😩

Part1: https://www.dropbox.com/s/5897onu65gv2iyu/The%20vampire%20diaries%20S7xE16%20part1encoder.mp4?dl=0

Part2: https://www.dropbox.com/s/isysbm3a8ondt2a/The%20vampire%20diaries%20S7xE16%20part2encoder.mp4?dl=0




Stefan will always be my favorite but even I can say that the Damon "selfishness" rhetoric was getting old at this point in the series. By this point you should be able to see that both Damon and Stefan have the same ability to be amazingly selfless and do great things and by that same token they can be dark and selfish and just plain nasty.


Although damon is my favorite this is perfectly explained and I agree 100% with how u explained it


Damon is an amazing brother, he cares for his brother time in and time out, he showed the care he had for Stefan even before they both became vampires and Damon deserves happiness and a happy ending just as much as Stefan does, but I find it a little biased when people watch the show and just because the characters are saying the truth about someone that the person watching likes, they automatically disagree with them or call them as being wrong because they believe they know the character, like I get it, the emotional connection to the show and everything and sometimes the writers write stuff a character wouldn’t normally do or ever do just to spicy up a show, but the fact is it’s been written, and is set in stone so disagreeing with reasonings or events that took place that a show was written in just because you think you know the character doesn’t change the fact of how it was written as well as the written reasonings behind a characters choices, when Sophie said Valerie had no voice in what she was sayin when Damon called Stefan I found very wrong, Stefan has 3 people he truly cares very deeply for and even though Stefan would die for other characters in the show these 3 are characters he’d go beyond death if possible; Elena, Damon, and Caroline, now elena is in a deep sleep leaving 2 left , Caroline chose to be with the kids, rather than run and be with Stefan and as reasonable as it is at the end of the day she still picked the kids over Stefan, Damon chose to desiccate himself because he saw himself as the problem of all the bad things going on and ultimately did it to protect everyone from any choices in the future that could lead to anyone else getting hurt/killed (again totally respectable) but his brother literally begged him to stay, and the way Stefan phrased his question when he had his last talk with Damon it was a set trap in a way to make it sound like Damon chose elena over him(which Ik isn’t the case and im not sayin it is) but in Stefan’s eyes the 3 people he cares the most for are gone and 2 of the 3 chose something else over him, but Valerie in Stefan’s eyes chose him, chose to run with him, choice to stay with him and keep him company and just be what he needed at the time(which Ik it’s cause she loves him but doesn’t change the fact that she was the only one that chose him in Stefan’s eyes), not to mention she didn’t tell Stefan about the transfer spell because of Stefan’s happiness, she chose Stefan’s happiness rather than to bring up the transfer spell and going back into the drama of waking up Damon and there being potentially more problems and more Stefan self happiness sacrificing that could’ve came from that idea and instead proceeded with the human felt Stefan that was happy (even though he missed his brother he was happy) because she saw that for once someone had to choose Stefan’s happiness above the potential right thing to do which not a lot of people do for stefan, but back to the car ride obviously everything Valerie was sayin about Damon wasn’t true but it had truth to it, like I mentioned before Damon deserves happiness and equal fighting chance for a happy ending as Stefan but for the most parts (because how the writers write it) Stefan ends up in his huge problems saving his brother, picking him above everything and even though Damon has shown to do the same he also has many times when he only does the right thing for his brother when he’s backed into a corner, Stefan was stabbed by the sword this episode because Damon (reasonably) wanted to fight for his happiness and a way to save Stefan and only when everything pointed to the plan going south did Damon decide to give up his happiness for his brother, so what Valerie ultimately said about Damon in the car was true to an extent (again not all) but when people watch stuff like that and disagree completely even though it has truth to it, it just doesn’t sit well (Also not directed to Sophie was a great reaction I just remembered this point cause I’ve seen a couple reaction channels to shows that do this)


We need always to remember that the sword action is aiming to give hell to the person that is connected too, it doesn’t act to the benefit of the marked one but the opposite is the worst possible punishment. So what is the worst possible thing for Stefan, is making think that having his brother around is the most terrible think he can possibly do, so it feeds on the narrative that his brother is bad, is selfish, it would chose himself over him an on Stefan relationship dynamic he always had with his brother, being Damon the only “father figure” he had, the only person he learn to rely on, the only family he ever really had that loved him, truly. Stefan has a co-dependent personality and the worst thing to do to him is making him think that the only centre point in his life, Damon doesn’t care for him. We viewer know already that Damon isn’t selfish and that he loves his brother even more than he loves Elena. He sacrificed his childhood and his teenager to preserve Stefan’s, left him live his life as he wished even when he needed him, and never burden him with his troubles and boy he had major troubles. But Damon never had love in his life and then after more than a century of living a miserable life he never wanted alone and unloved, he finally founded someone that loves him back truly, but he has to be deprived of the only chance of happiness he ever had otherwise he is branded selfish? Of course he tries to find an alternative solution to save Stefan and to have a future with Elena by involving the Armory, but everything went horribly wrong. Also this is indirectly Valery’s fault, because she could have open her mouth three years earlier, but she did a very selfish thing, to have Stefan she lied about the transfer possibility for three years. So, she is in no position to preach Damon about selfishness. Nora and Mary Louise destroyed the sword by sacrifying themselves. Stefan soul is in the stone that blow up, so what happened to the souls in the stone? Little detail to remember. The pills that the Armory gave to Mary Louise as Enzo mentioned not only block magic, but also prevent locator spells to find you, let’s remember this detail. Matt has a grudge with Stefan and involves his now dead girlfriend, but that too will be explained. Next episode is the number two favourite of the season after ep. 10, I can’t wait for you to see it.


Maybe Caroline can be understood, but in fact its very strange. Stefan loved her very much and still loves her , he had no choice , he had to run . Stefan wanted to be on the run with her, he offered it to her, but she chose to stay with the children. Then he learns that the huntress cant be killed . This means for him that he will be on the run for a very long time. He understands that if he somehow keeps in touch with Caroline , she will be in danger , her children will be in danger , this is not an option for him . She made a choice -happiness with children , not happiness with him .He gave her this happiness.If he had talked to her about it , she would probably have been looking for other options, but in the end she and her children would definitely have been in some kind of danger . Since he believed that he would walk with a scar for a very long time or always, he could obviously start a relationship with his first love, althought he clearly still in love with Care


I agree, it was her choice, an understandable choice, being a vampire that is the only chance for her to be a mother. By telling him she couldn't be on the run with him she made a choice. At the same time I can see Caroline point of view and things are complicated. Stefan that is always so good with words, in certain situations of particular distress shuts down communication, give up and leave. Same thing he did when Damon died, he just left, cut all communication with everybody, especially with Caroline. So, fist, this to her is a reminder of that Stefan. This time too he didn't tell her how he felt, he didn't talked to her, he didn't explain to her he had no choice, he just left and not only, he left with Valery. This is a typical case of bad communication. Second, her hunger it is also an external projection of bitter regret of the choice she made, that gave her, on one side, the happiness of motherhood, and on the other side, left her without the love of her life. She cannot admit to herself that was a wrong choice, because if she chose differently, she would have lost her motherhood status, and would diminish the love and the responsibility she feels for the kids. So, she projects the side of her regretting her choice that made her loose Stefan, on Stefan, by being hungry with him, because by saying out loud that she was wrong and she should have gone with Stefan, she would state she cares more for him than for her kids, and she can't do that to her kids. It's complicated.

Jay zay

Nah I disagree there. If he believed there was a way to save Stefan and himself why would he not take it. And at the beginning when he was ready to sacrifice himself before he found out that he is sacrificing his happiness with elena. Stefan was the one that took the sword and ran delaying the plan.


My dear you might want to consider prefacing your opinions with IMO otherwise it does come off as a teensy bit condescending. Kind of like some of my teachers n High School. It tends to undermine your observations no matter how valid they are… at times. Of course if you wrote the show then I’m way off base . That’s just my opinion of course.


I really like your new hair color