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Part1: https://www.dropbox.com/s/wdg9x0tzrc1vktl/One%20tree%20hill%205x05%20part%201encode.mp4?dl=0

Part2: https://www.dropbox.com/s/onqtqxuviy3eb01/One%20tree%20hill%205x05%20part2%20encoder.mp4?dl=0




Lucas is an idiot in this episode. :D


Okay, so I know--especially as a Leyton shipper--I'm in the minority being on Lucas defense squad over here, and I *know* that it was a dick move for him to end the relationship like that. He was doing his same bad habit of closing off and retreating into his shell as soon as he feels hurt. *But* I do think that on Peyton's part, while her arguments were reasonable, I don't think she actually meant any of them. I think she was scared, like you initially said, and rationalized herself running away from what she really wanted using logical arguments. Like, none of her arguments were *wrong* and if they were what she really wanted, I'd be 100% backing her up, but I genuinely think everything she said in that hotel room was a frantic excuse while running away from what she wanted. Not saying that Lucas had no fault, obviously he handled a lot of things really poorly. But he was the one in that room being honest about what he wanted. Like, he definitely should have taken the "let's see where we're at in another year" and agreed, but also like he's clearly been missing her a lot and is really unhappy without her, so I can see why he was really not okay with doing another year of that. And he wasn't asking her to *get married* right then, just to agree to marry him at all. So yeah. Don't get me wrong, definitely not Lucas's finest hour, but I think where he's at emotionally is more understandable than ppl give him credit for, and I think that people overlook that Peyton's being dishonest about what she actually wants just because her excuses are actually logical and make sense. tldr; Lucas and Peyton both fell back on their specific bad habits here--Peyton running away from what she wants, and Lucas retreating into his shell and making bad decisions when his feelings are hurt, and the both of them isolating themselves (But also, Lucas does actually follow Brooke's advice and work on improving himself before he reaches out to Peyton again in that flashback of the book tour, and Peyton runs away again when she misinterprets Lindsey kissing his cheek.) (man this got embarrassingly long. please pretend I didn't just write an entire essay in defense of Lucas Scott.)


I'm 100% on Peyton's side. She was completely mature about the situation. You do not get married as a solution to your relationship problems (growing apart because of long distance). If you can not make something work when you're not married - how can you expect to do so when you are. Lucas was trying to use this as a way to feel more secure in their relationship (hence, I think that Peyton was correct when she accused Lucas of proposing out of some insecurity). However, I think that there is another aspect to it as well. I do think that Lucas is ready for marriage and a family (seeing what Naley has) and is ready for that stage of life (Peyton was not). They were just in different places (again, a reason why marriage wouldn't have worked if you think about it reasonably). Overall, the part that annoys me most about Lucas is the ultimatum that he gave her: an immediate yes or the end of the relationship. I could understand this if Peyton was running away from commitment and never wanted to get married (when he does) but Peyton said "not yet" "in a year". It annoys me so much that Lucas keeps accusing Peyton of saying "no". She did not. Overall, I think that Peyton was right when she said that Lucas gave up on them.


whatever Peyton's reasons and excuses.. doesn't it all mean the same thing? That she's not ready. And I don't think she was lying about having to prove something to herself.. she felt like crap at her job, and even in the future, watching Brooke be successful and Lucas writing a novel while she was the assistant to the assistant... she had real goals she wanted to accomplish for herself. I don't think she was lying when she told Lucas she loved I'm and wanted to marry him someday.

Leora Nechama

I don't think it's an issue of who's side your on. Peyton had a right to not be ready and Lucas also was understandable in saying he's at the point in his life where he's ready to have a family and he wanted to be with someone who was in the same place in life.

Leora Nechama

Also Brooke is the best and I missed Whitey!