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Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3js0nsdglyquzhg/The.Vampire.Diaries.S06E01.720p.x265.10bit-Sofie.mp4?dl=0




Those photos are from real life when nina and ian were together


He got killed off on the TV show Lost


Don't worry you will know where damon and bonnie are soon


I think part of the reason why Season 6 is so good is that at the start it started to shake things around a little bit, by the end of season 5 things were a little stagnant and Season 6 put different characters in different places than they were before, notably Stefan and give us a good lapse of mourning time for Damon and Bonnie, who's intrigue is also great and very creative and you'll see all about it. SO yea looking forward to it....I'm not gonna lie to you some scenes in S06E02 literally KILL ME on the inside....


Thit is Ian in Lost little bit before he was cast in TheVampire Diaries...he was the first to be kiled off. I know crazy....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8PKTCoZkQl0&t=222s

Muhammad Hassan

Next episode is one of the best and heartbreaking too💔💔


I really liked how the creative team decided to start this season in a way different from what the audience would be expecting. We didn't see Elena mourning straight away but we were introduced to her actually coming across as someone who seemed pretty much too okay with something so big that just happened to her last four months. As I said before Damon ever died, this is not a loss any of these characters was prepared to live with. It has broken them all, individually and as a group. Not only are they spiraling on their own, they have been pushed apart both physically and emotionally by Damon and Bonnie’s absence. Because losing Damon has shattered Stefan and Elena. The two who have always tried so hard to stay upright when the world was closing in on them. The two who were everyone else’s shoulders to lean on, even when they were the ones suffering. And now they’ve been destroyed by the death of the one person they never expected to lose. The one person who kept them all together, who was always there, who always came through, who rescued them and supported them through endless storms of agony. The focus of the episode was everyone’s coping mechanism for the death of their friends, their brother, their boyfriend or girlfriend. And we know beyond a shadow of a doubt who is taking it the hardest: Elena. Elena Gilbert’s life is a tragedy. A never-ending barrage of pain, loss, torture and death. She’s lost everyone that matters to her at least once. Yet through all that persistent suffering, she’s still managed to prevail. Because she’s a survivor by nature. Even at her most downtrodden, even when she was chasing death and giving new meaning to the term martyr, she still picked herself up and proceeded to carry on. Some of that is due to her strength. Of which she has boatloads. But some of that is also due to Damon. Because he’s a survivor too. Because he bears the same type of strength within him that she does. He’s been her only consistent source of support and protection and comfort since she was seventeen. He was the only one who was always there. The only one who never left when everyone else did. He put her first, no matter who would be left behind in the process. He gave her love like she’s never known and only dreamed of before they met. And now she’s being forced to live without him. Something she never expected, a loss she never anticipated. A life she didn’t plan for. Because living forever without him wasn’t even in the realm of possibility for her. She didn’t intend it. She wasn’t prepared for it. So his death has completely ruined her. Physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. She’s been wrecked at every level by Damon’s unprecedented absence which makes her method of coping significantly different than any she’s employed in the past. This isn’t some typical loss. Damon wasn’t a friend or a family member. He wasn’t her parent, her brother, one of her oldest friends from childhood. He wasn’t even just a boyfriend. He was everything. He was her entire future, the person she had planned to be with FOREVER. As an audience we can feel the void of Damon in this episode in a very obvious manner because hallucination or no hallucination, we know Damon is gone. He isn't interacting with the characters or passing his snarky comments. So looking it from Elena's pov, whatever she is doing is very sad and damaging but you don't really see how else is she supposed to cope. Elena has taken the decision the to turn off her humanity already when she lost hope of ever seeing her brother alive again. but this time she cannot go down the same path as she knows the experience and it doesn't really help. Plus if she turns off her humanity, she would end up killing people still. Therefore, yet again she is planning to take a extreme step and I don't agree with it personally but right now if that is what she needs to do, then it is. She asked for hope but she found none and she tried to say goodbye but she wasn't able to let go either.


This episode should have been cold "you don't know what you have until you lose it" everybody is dealing with losing Damon and Bonnie in their own way. But Elena and Stefan are the one that are devasteded the most. But little twist.....Damon and Bonnie are not blicked out of existance they are somewhre eating vampire pancakes, but where are they? Next episode is very important in explaing Damon an Elena love for each other.


Stefan, I have read many comments on different platforms of how they upset about Stefan and him giving up on his search. But I just cannot be upset with him because I know he is not functioning any longer like he would otherwise. He honestly is just existing and like Elena creating a different world for himself to live in denial. He has accepted the defeat on his search and he has told himself that he won't see his brother again but that is not going to mean that he will stop living in denial. He has gone back to living a life pretending that he is a normal human with a job and a girlfriend. And the one person who would always make him face reality is not here this time. Jeremy boy, he must be so angry and in so much pain but he didn't even get to say goodbye to Bonnie in person. Plus his sister is also away dealing with her own grief that people really no longer have support systems around them because everyone is consumed with their own grief. Caroline, I really appreciate her effort and her ability to channel everything she is feeling into wanting to research and find a way to go back home and to their town. She is missing Stefan and it is so interesting how both Elena and Caroline would share their daily activities with Damon and Stefan. Again it shows us the deep friendship runs in their relationships. Elena hallucinating Damon was all being fabricated by her subconscious but that is how Damon would respond to her. When she asks him about his day, he instead of replying to her question cracks a joke which is typical Damon but again her brain knows that he didn't have any kind of a day so the subconscious protects her. In the car, he again is the one trying to make her see the reality and stop living in denial. She remembers him teaching her how to feed without killing. I don't know if I have said this before but I always believed that Damon was Elena's best friend too. She isn't writing in her diary because Damon was that for her.


“I wanted to thank you for giving me everything I always wanted. A love that consumed me. And passion. Adventure. There’s nothing more I could ever want, other than for it to last forever, but it can’t. I love you. But I have to let you go.” Damon and Elena and their respective goodbyes to each other are just too indicative of how similar the depth of their mutual love really is. In Season 5 finale, Damon said the most beautiful and meaningful things to Elena despite knowing that she isn't hearing anything. Now, as Elena is telling hallucination Damon goodbye knowing it isn’t the real Damon she’s speaking too but needing to say it anyway . She thanks him for changing her life in the best possible way. For making her entire short, dark, tragic life worthwhile, simply because he stood by her unflinchingly as everything around her continuously fell apart. He made everything bad that ever happened to her worth it. Just because he loved her. Because he was the first person to ever prove her that love is about seeing everything in someone ,the good, the bad, and all the parts in between and not shying away from any of it. Damon taught her how unconditional love can really be. How unconditional HIS love is. And by loving her that way as she deserved to be loved he gave her the life she always wanted to have. A life filled with passion and adventure, a life defined by consuming love. A life she wanted to spend forever exploring and indulging. A life that made being a vampire worth it. A life that was taken away from her when he died. Just as being loved by Elena made Damon appreciate everything he’d gone through waiting for her, being loved by Damon made Elena appreciate everything undesirable that came along with vampirism and immortality. Damon made Elena’s worst nightmare a glorious fantasy. Because after dreading the idea of being a vampire, fighting tooth and nail to keep from becoming one, he infused her darkest fear with a light and hope she never dreamed it could have. He gave her life in death. As she did for him. Because while their love is all about passion, devotion, understanding, sacrifice, and intimacy, what it manifested for them is even more important. The loss of Damon and the aftermath of it is proving to us that Elena loved Damon as much as he loved her. This is love at it's purest and craziest at the same time. The one you love can bring you peace despite all the chaos around you but at the same time sadly it can completely wreck when that peace is no longer present.

I Am Not Chamari

That Damon and Bonnie scene in the end made me scream the first time I watched it. It was so short and so confounding but also super exciting.


You have the soul of a poet, you get Delana so well.


That is a really sweet compliment, thank you so much!! I won't take all the credit because I have had the pleasure of reading so many great pieces of analysis that have helped me understand them better and I try to share the same here.

Marta Clemente Corredor

I think this is one of the reasons why I prefer Buffy's approach to the vampire genre. Most of the time they solve problems like any person would. In TVD they rely way too much on magic and fantastic elements. It's not bad, just different. I like fantasy shows that are more grounded in real life, with much real issues.

Amber Augustine

Seeing Elena hallucinate Damon is so sad. She lost the love of her life and becuase of her vmapirism all she feels is despair because her boyfriend is dead and is never coming back. And when Elena thanked Damon for bring back Alaric, Stefan and everybody was the sweetest thing even though it wasn’t actually him. Seeing Elena trying to let him go but couldn’t was so heartbreaking to watch. Elena lost the other part of herself. When elena was first a vampire she was miserable but Damon taught her how to enjoy herself and have fun and be free. Without that source she feels a part of herself is missing where Damon was. I love this epsiode becuase it shows how painful and impact Damon and Bonnie’s loss were. Damon was the mold that brought Stefan and elena together and now he’s gone forever. And I was so shocked when elena said she wanted to take away Damon but at the same time I understand why she wanted to because the grief is so unbearable.

Loved By You

Sundays is 2 tvd right!??

Ron Taylor

There is a saying Hope springs eternal. Hope is hard work, sometimes things look like they will never turn around and you abandon hope; perhaps not because you really have but the effort of showing other people is too much. But people are great at re-kindling it if there is the slightest chance. In a world where coming back from the dead has actually happened, all it would take is a little flicker and they would be full on trying to fix everything.