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Sorry guys for having to post just one episode this week. However you're gonna get 3 episodes this upcoming week.




Andrea Dcosta

Np at all so excited for your S5 reactions 😻❤️


nina always looks beautiful but shes just GLOWING as elena this season idk what it is

Jasmine Reigns

Loved the reaction per usual 😌 , are we getting the bloopers for season 3 & 4 this upcoming week also?

Andrea Dcosta

Exactly right Caroline telling Elena to not call Stefan is understandable but why can’t Caroline call him and make sure he’s fine or atleast worry where Stefan is aren’t they very good friends and he isn’t home for like 3 months that’s weird. This was a very good start to this season there’s a lot already happening. I love how Damon hugs Jeremy this shows us he loves Jeremy so much not just because he is Elena’s brother but Damon takes Jeremy as his younger bro and he genuinely cares for him. I swear poor Bonnie how traumatic is must be to watch her dad die in front of her like thats absolutely brutal this isn’t fair to her at all and now she’s dead how much more will they put her in pain 😒


You should definitely take your time with these uploads...Tbh im fine with 1-2 uploads a week too

Jay zay

“Do normal human freshman-y stuff” notice how dating Damon makes her talk like him now🤣🤣🤣🤣


Oh, yes, I was thinking about the bloopers, too. I'd like to see Sofie's reaction to them.


Great start to season 5. In the first 2 minutes, he managed to evoke so many emotions. I'm so happy for Matt, Rebekah, Elena, Damon, and Caroline, and I'm so upset about Bonnie and Stefan. I think Caroline has tried to call him at least once all summer, but she really doesn't look excited. And it's strange, because they're friends. And I understand Damon's reaction to the appearance of " Stefan." He is not "not happy", he is rather puzzled and confused. I'm sure Damon was thinking about Stefan the whole time and called him. He was obviously worried or thought that his brother was angry and hated him. And then, Stefan appears (without a call or warning) and greets him with open arms. So Damon sensed something strange and insincere about it. This is so unlike Stefan. So Damon's reaction is understandable and understandable.


Poor Bonnie. I understand why she doesn't want to talk about her death. She sees her friends finally happy after so many painful events and deaths. And the news of the death of a friend can seriously traumatize them. But, on the other hand, the death of a person cannot be hidden forever. Sooner or later, this will become a reality, and then Elena and Caroline will be many times more painful from the realization that they studied, had fun and were happy while their best friend was dead. So, Jeremy's right, this needs to be told now.


I've always loved Jeremy and Damon's relationship. And if we saw in previous seasons that Jeremy listened to Damon and unconsciously wanted to get his recognition, now we see that Damon also cares about Jeremy. And not just because he's Elena's brother. After all, Elena was not around and he had no need to play the fear for him. Damon really didn't care about Katherine at that moment, or what happened to her, or where she'd run off to. He didn't even ask about her, after all he didn't know that Katherine had escaped and could have been left unconscious or dead in the car. But Damon really didn't care, and he was worried about Jeremy. Their relationship resembles that of two brothers in their teens. Often they can argue, swear and disagree, but in a difficult situation they are always ready to come to each other's aid, proving that they care. Remember that episode when Damon was bitten by Jules and escaped from Stefan's cage? Jeremy then found him in the square where the film was being shown. Then he immediately rushed to help him and took him to an empty Grill, risking himself and his health. And it hadn't been long since Damon had "killed" him.


I can't say that the fifth season is my favorite, but there are so many important and significant events happening here that I look forward to your reactions, Sofie. I would like 3 reactions next week, take your time and do what you think is right.


Delena living the best summer of their lives is so blissful!! I loved your reaction and it's totally understandable why one would wish for this kind of relationship. They no longer were worried about their love not being real because of the sire bond affect and finally could just cherish their time together..although I do feel greedy and wish we could just watch one whole episode with their summer moments.


Poor Stefan seriously the poor guy has been drowning again and again and it's just too miserable and traumatizing. No one really reached out to him all summer I am guessing because they felt he needed the time away but it's true that you would still expect Caroline try to contact him. I am glad Damon did call him and him not hearing back from him must have made sense to him because he would have thought that it cannot be easy just like it won't have been for him.


And Sofie you're so right about writers really having something against Bonnie. They just never stop torturing her emotionally....Like seriously it wasn't bad enough already that she was dead and couldn't be with her friends and family for a great summer. Now having to see her father being murdered in front of her and not being able to do anything about it...gosh it's horrible.


Btw, Elena really changed this season, both externally and internally. She gained a little weight and had cute cheeks and she changed her straight hair to curls (although, she did this even at the end of season 4). And by nature, Elena became more relaxed and carefree. For some reason, this is how I imagined Elena before her parents ' death. Apparently, the summer without incident spent with the man she loved had done its job.


Jeremy and Damon share a weird but beautiful bonding. It is not typical but they both know that they do care for each other although they won't show it. To think of all the times Jeremy has always tried to be this badass boy in the eyes of Damon was cute earlier but now the dynamic definitely has grown. That hug was so heartfelt and the relieve on Damon's face to know that he was alive was amazing.


Thanks to your observation I noticed today that Damon was kinda confused when he hugged Silas thinking he was Stefan. I am also thinking that his reaction was a mix of confusion and guilt. Damon never wanted to hurt Stefan because of the Elena dynamic between the two but when he must have thought that Stefan has left, it would have added to his guilt as his brother. And the conversations Stefan is hallucinating with Damon...my heart breaks because it is so bittersweet. Damon and Elena are his lifelines right now and he is drawing hope from both of them in different ways. Damon wants him to end his misery by turning it off and Elena is trying to make sure he holds on to the hope with everything he has got....the relationship dynamics continue to represent the beautiful aspects.

I Am Not Chamari

I agree that Caroline and Tyler's relationship hasn't been working for awhile, but I also feel like Caroline puts him second as well. A lot of the time she's gallivanting with Klaus, who killed his mother, or tending to Stefan's needs. She even sacrificed one of his own hybrids. Even when his mother just died, she seemed more concerned about Stefan over a break-up. The writers don't lowkey hate Bonnie. They OPENLY hate Bonnie and Kat Graham. And they're kinda racist. It's a whole thing and very obvious seeing how they treat Bonnie's character.


Btw, at the episode beginning, I love your reaction....vampire sex, when 5 hours is not enough 😂 I saw in regard a very funny picture with a Disney prince on the top and Damon at the bottom and the caption "forget a prince...I want a vampire" 🤣🤣🤣


I see everyone's excited about this new chapter. Am I the only one who hates season 5? I just rewatched it this past week and I must say, it suuuuucks. 😂 Still watching Sofies reaction to it though, how weird is that. On a serious note though, without wanting to spoil anything, the storyline was kinda all over the place and I found it very difficult to enjoy.


Yeah, 5 hours is clearly not enough. I think they've been like this all summer🤣. Poor Jeremy


What’s everyones favorite episode reaction so far by Sofie? I want to go back and rewatch some while we wait for more reactions and I don’t know which to choose😅


I sometimes review season 1 and 2. The episode depends on my mood. It's so funny to watch the reaction when so much is already known.

Ron Taylor

It was Bonnie's decision not to tell them but by going along with it Jeremy took the decision on himself. I was taught that was condoning. So when all the dust has settled, Jeremy didn't tell the group their bestie had died because he thought it would be too upsetting for them. They couldn't handle it. But isn't he like almost 2 years younger than them? Elena, Caroline and co still have to deal with the fact that she is dead, and she died to bring back a guy who didn't tell them she died, so they could have a good summer. It's yet another case of one person making unilateral decisions that affect a group and having it blow up. It goes under the guise of 'I was just trying to protect you.'

Loved By You

wow I feel for Stefan. Just when he was going to move on, he gets trapped in the ocean. I hope they rescue him. He deserves that.

Loved By You

Sophie: “Silas acts nothing like Stefan...”, Elena acts nothing like Katherine. lol

Loved By You

I think Damon’s reaction is due to the fact he feels guilty for not looking for Stefan.