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Part1: https://www.dropbox.com/s/oavsfpmb2f1mhda/One%20tree%20hill%20S2xE20%20part1encode.mp4?dl=0

Part2: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ylxbtmil4z7vk6b/One%20tree%20hill%20S2xE20%20part2encode.mp4?dl=0




Amazing reaction keep up the good work 👍


I love this episode so much! Your reaction to Lucas trying to play the bad boy was so funny 😂


I feel so bad for Nathan! The fact that, to him, Heaven would be Dan choosing Lucas over him. The fact that his Dad not being in his life is what he'd deem Heaven... It's so sad because Dan has screwed him up so much and he just wishes that he'd had the life Lucas had... (What I think would've been awesome for everyone is if Dan decided he didn't want a kid with either Karen or Deb, and ditched them both, but Keith knew about both and so he brought them together and the five of them were just a happy family and the boys got to grow up together and Dan was just not in either of their lives... That would've been awesome for everyone!) What's sad though, is part of me thinks that if Dan had chosen Karen and Lucas, he wouldn't be as bad as he is... It's been said multiple times that Karen is the one he loves and that he's regretted not staying with Karen and all that. So I think there's a chance that things actually would've been a bit better if he'd chosen her... Of course, it also could've been very much the same as what Nathan dreamt. But I think a big part of the reason he dreamt it that way was that it hurts him too much to even think about the fact that things could've been different. We've seen how insecure the whole thing makes him, that Dan might favour Lucas. It's really just so sad... I LOVE THAT LUCAS WAS THERE WHEN HE WOKE UP! IT'S A PARALLEL TO LUCAS' ACCIDENT WHEN HE WOKE UP TO NATHAN! (Plus the fact that he probably hadn't left his side at all since he was allowed in the room...) And his little joke about it being some messed up "Anything Lucas can do I can do better" makes me laugh every time... The Scott family and cars is just a big NO! They should not be allowed to drive, or be in a car, or be near a car... But yeah, I just love that Lucas was there and assuring him he was there and just being all sweet and big brotherly. And I love it when he calls Nathan Little Brother. So cute! Gah! And the girls coming in the room too and them all hanging out there until visiting hours were over. I love the friendship they all have, and the fact that they truly care about each other. And the fact that Nathan and Peyton have come so far in their friendship. They went from being in a very bad relationship, to being amazing friends and I love it! So glad Deb has gone to Rehab though. She definitely needs it. For her sake, as well as Nathan's. Because even though he's Emancipated, he still loves her and needs her. Now more than ever really... But mostly for herself. She deserves better than to be constantly high out of her mind because Dan can't understand that SHE DOESN'T WANT HIM AROUND! And of course the Naley phone call. I do love that she was on her way back when he called. She heard what happened and dropped everything because Nathan IS the most important thing to her at the end of the day. She does love him and hearing he was in Hospital must've terrified her. But Nathan telling her not to come because he DOES want her to follow her dreams. It hurts him that she kissed Chris then went on Tour with him, it really hurts him, but he's always been the most supportive in her music. He still wants to go into a shop one day and be able to buy an album with her name on the cover. He just wishes it didn't happen the way it did, and that Chris wasn't involved... Also, the fact that this could've easily been something he could use to manipulate her into coming back. He literally tried to kill himself, he could've used that to make Haley feel guilty about leaving and get her back. But he didn't. He didn't do it to make her feel bad, he did it because he was feeling bad in that moment and it just happened. And he didn't call her up and be all "I tried to kill myself because you left. See what you've done to me." He called her and told her to keep following her dream, and to me, that shows what kind of person he truly is. He had a chance to get Haley back, but he didn't take it because it would've hurt Haley... Now, about Haley. I have such mixed feelings with her right now. Like, if I were out somewhere following my dreams and someone I love got seriously hurt, I would just go to them, even if they said not to, I don't think I'd be able to stay away. But at the same time, Nathan had a great point about resentment and all that, and also, it's good accept his feelings and do as he asks in this situation. So yeah, I have mixed feelings on that... Something I love though, is that in the dream, Lucas was how Nathan was at the start of the show. I feel like that means that Nathan has kind of come to terms with the fact that Dan played a huge role in why he was that way. He understands that while it's not an excuse for everything he did, Dan pushing him and bullying him and being abusive did push him to be that way. And I just love that he didn't have this dream where Lucas was a nice person despite being raised by Dan because Lucas is just that great and would be different. Because some people do think that way, that someone else would be able to be different and handle things better. And I'm just glad that wasn't the case here. Though it also could be that he HAS to believe that in order to live with himself because the thought of Lucas living the life he lived and still being a good guy through it all is so hard for him to think about. Yeah... I could analyse that dream in so many ways... But the fact that Haley is tone deaf in it is amazing. And makes me so sad for Nate... I do love that he told Lucas about the dream though... He was so open about it. And Lucas didn't laugh at him, or question it or anything, he just listened and accepted it. Making a small joke about the one on one thing at the end just to lighten the mood a little. I just love how far they've come, to the point of Nathan feeling able to tell Lucas about his dreams and how part of him wishes Dan had chosen Karen, and Lucas not immediately thinking that's stupid as he had it "perfect". (Yeah, I just love that Lucas can see that Nathan actually had the worse end of the deal with Dan...)


one of my fav episode.... you gotto love nathan:)


One of my absolute favourite episodes. With all the Naley drama this was a much welcomed relief.


Great reaction. You are on your way to what i believe to be the best season of the entire series ... season 3. Let's go!

I Am Not Chamari

It's funny that you don't believe Lucas as the bad guy, because Chad Michael Murray was originally supposed to play the role of Nathan, because at the time, he was known more for that kind of role, but they decided that he would be better suited for Lucas. And then, the rest was history.