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Guess who changed her mind?

(Me. I changed my mind!)

So, I've been finding it really hard mentally/creatively to switch between Aerial Magic and The Sky is Waiting. Once I'm in the mindset of one I can't get into the mindset of the other, and it's making scripting a real struggle.

I think I have to admit to myself that I currently don't have the writing skills to do a good job of writing two stories at the same time. I need to dedicate myself to one, I can't switch between them. Hopefully this is a skill I will one day have! But in the mean time I am sadly putting TSIW on hold :(

On the plus side, wallpapers are back! I like doing wallpapers! It's fun doing art that's not part of a comic, and doesn't have to do anything other than look pretty :)



Sven Hegenbart

Already wrote how much I love those wallpapers! Little bit sad that it now on hold because I really was interested in the main character ( big fan of the burn mark). But it will come out in the future and that’s good ^^. One thing I look forward the most is to finally read Aerial Magic and maybe to met you in RTX London :)


Thank you very much <3 Yeah, I'm sad to be putting TSIW on hold too, but I think I have to, for now. Definitely going to come back to it! And it would be very cool to meet up at a convention one day :D


will you be releasing a step by step and psd on this? its so pretty!


I was somehow under the impression that I'd already done this but no, apparently I'd just planned to do it. Will get on that now, whoops! Thank you for the reminder :)