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This was a quick (I wanna say it was between 10 and 20 minutes?) sketch I did at the end of a stream. Just wanted to do something fun, and I recently got the Titans Return figure for Skullcruncher here, and I like the look of his head sculpt - so I'd been wanting to draw it.

Not sure how well I pulled it off, but still...


Sorry about the lack of new art on here! I am working on it, but the last few weeks have been a bit rough; working with multiple clients and being generally exhausted have kinda kicked my productivity in the balls.

I'm almost done with the Elf Queen, and the next two pictures are planned out, and just need to be drawn (I think you guys will like what I have come up with). I hope to have all three up before Friday ends, so I can finally be caught up before we get our spooky on.

One final note, if you have a goth, monster, or spooky gal (and my monster gals count) you wanna see as a candidate for the October pic vote - hit me with a message and I will consider all suggestions before I put together the final list. I may also do another mystery vote - cause you guys have been awesome and stuck by me even through these dry spells. Seriously, I appreciate the support from each of you so much.



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