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It has been a hell of a year; both in general, and specifically for me as an artist.

First off, thanks a ton to all of you for being my patrons. Your support means the world to me, not just financially, but that you enjoy my work enough to stick with me and help keep this machine cranking along

This year was alot of me working and changing a few things around, and in the end with some advice and help from friends I managed to get caught up on alot of things that had been looming for way too long.. What does that mean for you guys in particular? Well, the two big things are;

- Sketch Streams are now finished and posted much closer to their livestreams... No more waiting months for the finished set to drop. This combined with getting the months lined up again was a huge help this last year.

- Monthly pics. These have been a pain since I got so swamped I was unable to keep them up to date like I wanted. However, I have written down all the ones I need to do still, and am working on keeping up to date on the newer ones (expect the November 2021 pic to land very soon.) My hope is to get caught up fully in the next few months on these so we can just stick to the monthly pics being new each month as intended.

I've got a few odd plans brewing for 2022, and I have a growing list of potential monthly ideas. (I am also open to suggestions if you have a theme or idea you wanna see for a future poll. Just remember I am not necessarily gonna use any suggestions, but I will see if anything offered jumps at me.)

I also hope to have a bit more time to work on my own personal projects in the new year... Canceling the Prime-line was a bit of a disappointment for me - but I think I am ready to finally move forward with one of my big life goals...


That's right, finally gonna make them comics I've been trying to get off the ground since before this Patreon account was a thing. I am not gonna make any grand announcements for what they will be just yet. I have one roughed out already, but I need to make more progress before I am comfortable talking about it.

I do wanna ask you folks though, would you prefer multi page comics (meaning proper comic book style stories and not the one offs I have done so far for fun) posted here in pages as they are completed, or do you wanna wait and get the whole shebang in one pack when it is done?

Anyway - thanks again for sticking with me, and I hope you are all doing well. A very Happy Holidays to you and yours, and may we all have a wonderful new year.


Kareem Zaimere

Huzzah! I know I'm the new kid on the block but happy to be here! For the poll, Id love to get a weekly comic page like how InCase does for Alfie. It's such a nice thing to look forward to each week, bi-week, or month.

TF Commando

I'll concur, a regular page or two instead of the occasional big drop is better. Since you're not bound by the need to do 22 pages for an issue, you can draw as much or as little as you feel like, put it out a bit at a time and collect it when you're ready.