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Dearest Patrons:

I’m writing here today to lay out my plans for the coming year, and to give you some insight about my thoughts and feelings towards my page.

1. Preface

Out of all my social media pages, Patreon is the one I feel the most guilty about. Compared to the swathes of ultra-talented artists and bloggers on this site, I feel like I barely scratch the surface with the amount of engagement I provide. I’ve often dreamed of this page being a community hub for my channel, but I don’t think that’s a standard I can maintain.

Mulling on this for the last several months, I’ve confronted the disappointing reality that with the amount of work on my plate, and the interest of maintaining a healthy life balance, I need to set a boundary for myself and an expectation for you all: Going forward, Arrangement Polls and Track Downloads will be the only content I provide on my Patreon. For many of you, this is already a reality that you’re comfortable with, but for those who may be looking for something beyond that, I want to communicate this as a clear rule.

My Patreon page stands as a method to directly support the work that I do, for those who choose to. And coming on the eve of 25,000 subscribers on my channel, I can’t thank you all enough for the help you have given me. This channel, despite its strangeness, has completely changed my life, and has set me on a course from my lowest point to a life I never could have dreamed of. I thank you all, Patrons, for seeing something in me and my work, and for the very special and kind donations you make. <3

Now! On to the actual changes:

2. Sunsetting High Tiers

Going forward, I’ll be simplifying my tier system. From now on, there will be two tiers to choose from, which should be familiar:

$1 Tier - Arrangement Poll Access

$5 Tier - Arrangement Poll Access > Downloads Access > Monthly Video Credit

In the future, I’m thinking about introducing a $10 tier that relates to commissions in some way. I’m still thinking about it and I’m open to suggestions, but I’m imagining it’ll be in the vein of “early access” or something similar.

As far as my massive transcriptions folder goes, I’m still deciding how to best grant access to it. I think it would be a wonderful tool for the VGM community, as by now I’ve created hundreds of accurate video game music scores. I’d love to release it publicly in some form, but I’m not entirely sure if I have that skillset. If anyone has any tips or suggestions, feel free to DM me!

3. Sunsetting the Discord Server

I’m sure it’s no surprise to many of you that the Discord server I have is kinda… dead. As stated above, the time I have available outside of work really wasn’t conducive to maintaining an active space, and I fully admit I bit off more than I could chew with that. As such, I’ll be closing the server on December 30th. Thank you to all who took part in this wacky experiment!

4. Migrating Downloads to Dropbox

Starting next year, MASTER folder downloads will be accessed via a monthly password-protected folder through Dropbox. Way back when I started this system, I foolishly made a decision that involved manually inputing and removing every eligible downloads member, so I’m hoping this system will be cleaner, and involve less waiting and hassle. Thank you for trying this out!

5. Conclusion

Other than that, it’s business as normal! There will be a holiday-themed poll on the 5th, so be sure not to miss that! Thank you all so much for reading this long post, and for understanding the logic behind the decisions I’m making going forward. Much love to you all, and happiest of holidays! <3



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