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Hey everyone.

Sorry for not posting much but I haven't been able to access the internet until now. Long story short, both my phone and my PC died on me this week which left me unable to do anything.

I've brought a new PC, hence why I'm able to be typing out this message. The bad news is that I've lost all of my files that were not backed up. Which means that my latest set with Triss is gone for now. I had what I made so far backed up on MEGA, but it's not letting me log in on this new PC. So I'm going to try and recover that and if I can, I'll post what I made of that up here. I can't finish it as I've saldy lost the blend files for the set.

It's going to take a bit until I can get back up to speed.Apologies to everyone who subbed this month. Fingeres crossed I can get the set with Triss back as that will mean you can get something this month.  I suspect I'll be back up to speed over the course of next week. So I will be able to release another set this month for everyone already subbed.

On the plus side to all this. I was meaning to upgrade my 3070 to a 4090 in the coming months anyway. So with this I should be able to render out images way, way quicker than I used to which will result in either sets being out quicker, or longer ones. I guess every cloud has a silverlining.

Just wanted to say sorry once again for the inconvience to everyone.


I've decided to pause Patreon for a few weeks just so that no new subscribers can join up as I make some changes here as I need to make a new archive link without the old content. Plus it will take the pressure off to get loads of stuff out. 

Thanks to all your feedback and support. If you wanna unsub, I fully understand until I sort things out. 



That really fucking sucks for you man. Is the hard drive of your old pc fucked for good? Maybe there's a way to recover the files?


I might be able to recover the stuff from it. But I have no idea how long or if it can be done. So I'll work on that I've lost it all. If I can get it back then that's a bonus.


I’ve don’t forgotten that you have done some of the bests Sets with Claire Redfield and Jill Valentine that I ever found. And still hope to see a set with Triss and a werewolf some day.