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Alright there we go some new WIPs, well, some still as a probably and probably not. I promised do not draw anything of deltarune, however Asriel is the unique I still find cute for draw from the old saga of undertale.

And there is the counterpart of the Copper picture: Todd. There still other 3 pictures left of those cubs, they will go on beach, one both together and the rest individually posing, but maybe I am going to put together too, I am not sure.

And of course more Bambis, there are more of Faline posing sexy, and other works still on my wishlist... and the pictures of Kimba of course, they are coming soon.  :)






You'll find it surprising, me liking goats, and not liking Asriel. He just doesnt look like one to me. And his game series is so popular, I just never found him appealing. Especially with the kinds of things ppl make him do. But don't let my opinion dissuade you from making fan art. Everything else is good.


Asriel is in fact not exactly a goat, is a monster, but not in all a goat because he has fingers on feet instead hooves, is like goat-rabbit-something else. The only thing I like of Undertale is Asriel, the rest... mmm well the music is cool and that´s all. :v