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Hey guys! You know the drill! Throw some questions my way! :)



Meeting Saw and the Rebels left me with a question: Who other than Doku and Anakin knew that Palpatine was orchestrating the Separatists rebellion? I don't think any Jedi ever actually learnt that - only the audience.


I think Fives and Kix figured it out, but Fives died and Kix was put in a stasis chamber for fifty years haha. I don't think any other Jedi figured it out before it was too late.


Hi, I'm new to the channel and I''m fairly new to the SW universe. I was wondering if you had a personal opinion on the strangest jedi/sith to have existed. Their oddness can be up to you but i was curious of some of the oddballs as far as species and creed go. Thanks!