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Hey everyone! Leave your questions for this week's Q&A in the comments below. How about those Solo trailers, huh?? If you have any questions about any of the new footage, I'd be very interested to hear them!



Im finding it difficult to get into the new books, after investing so much time exploring the world building of the EU from the thrawn trillogy onward then back in the rouge squadron books. I guess I fear that the current storyline will be rendered Legends in a few years when Disney wants to change directions or do a reboot of the series. Do you see this as a possibility?


I just Reread A New Dawn and it made me think, Is there any chance that we get Sloan in the last few episodes of Rebels.Between the book and the Kanan comics she has a huge connection with Kanan and Hera and it seems fitting for her to have some connection to what many assume is the end of Kanan's story.