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Happy February everyone! Last night Mollie and I recorded the audio commentary for Revenge of the Sith! We made it a little interesting by turning it into a drinking game: drink every time you see a meme. So that was fun lol. Play along responsibly if you're 21 or older!

Download all the audio commentaries here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_QN9K4IINOCWHF3Qk5peGRWTFk



Also, I think what Obi-Wan (by extension, Lucas) was going for with "only a Sith deals in absolutes" is that Sith pretty much categorize everyone and everything as either assets or liabilities; you notice this in how Sidious pretty much gets rid of everyone who have served their purpose for him. Obi-Wan won't help Anakin the way Anakin wants him to; therefore, he must be destroyed. Now you could argue that the Jedi are hypocrites because they have rules and codes and whatnot (I am trying to get certified into a professional therapist organization so codes of conduct are very important to me). I am not saying the Jedi were perfect but I'd like to think that they are a bit more flexible than the "you have outlived your usefulness" tenet. OR you could be right that it's part of a larger point that Lucas is making about them being hypocrites and that's your right. Boy, I am a big honking Jedi apologist, ain't I?


The level of this Sass in this commentary killed me.I really enjoyed how loose you two were. Great job, improved a childhood favorite.