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Hey everyone! Leave your questions for this week's Q&A here, and have a great week!



I’m very interested in the legends character Ulic Qel-Droma. Can you recommend some source material (comics, novels, etc) on where I can read his stories?


During the Tatooine scene in A New Hope, the stormtroopers are given the order to find the droids that had escaped on the escape pod. I assume that after they interrogated the Jawas(and killed them) they leant that it was a gold protocol droid and a blue astromech. What i was wondering was, wouldn't this info be relayed to all stormtroopers? When Ben and Luke were stopped in the land speeder, did the head trooper have a hunch he found them but was swayed by the force to let them go? And even after that, when C3PO and R2 got kicked out of the cantina, they were again no more than 15 yards away from even more stormtroopers? What is up with all that? Stormtrooper nonchalance????