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Hey everyone! Leave your questions for the LAST Q&A video of the year right here!

It looks like we passed the next goal on Patreon before I was even able to record the commentary for the previous one! So that's awesome haha but Mollie and I both came down with some kind of bug, and our voices are hoarse, so just bear with us. Nobody has said anything or complained haha because you guys are all amazing, but we want to get those rewards out to you ASAP.

I'm also in the midst of answering all of last week's questions. We got so many, and that's awesome. Last year Patreon said I was in the top 95% of creator response rates. I'm hoping this year I'll be in the 99% lol.

Finally, thank you all for an incredible year. I'll probably make a dedicated post about this, but you are all wonderful. We are so grateful for you, and I hope you have a very happy holiday, no matter how you celebrate. Thank you all!




Hi. Don't know if You ever had this question (and I can't remember if I've ever read about it in Legends) but after reading half of Lost Stars it got me wondering - how did gravity on the Death Star work? I mean - it was supposed to work like a micro-planet so I would guess that the gravity would pull them to the center of the station, but in movies it seems to be more towards the bottom of the station (I hope You get what I am saying)? Apart from my question - happy new year!


How did a Jedi/Siths stance in the force, effect their fighting style?


I think each floor of the Death Star just had its own artificial gravity field like any other ship in the universe would, and they were mostly arranged in a stack with the south pole being the "bottom", but one or two layers of floors on most of the surface were orientated like the surface of a planet, so usually if you were near the surface "up" would be the opposite direction of the core, which is why the surface had turbolaser "towers". Some exceptions to this include the Equatorial trench where most of the Docking bays were, as you can see the Falcon docking like its coming into the side, not down to the surface so the surface in the equator is aligned the same as all the internal floors. As for the gravity affecting ships on the outside, I think if you use real science to calculate the gravitational pull of a porous metal object of that size its gravity would be very negligible, so if you want a reason why ships crash to the surface like they are falling you could either say that the Artificial gravity for the surface layers extends out some distance beyond the surface for some reason, or that the reactor core is like hyper-massive and it does create a stronger gravitational pull than you would expect for an object that size and all the artificial gravity field generators for the floors simultaneously negate that natural field while creating their own artificial field in a different orientation.