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So I JUST finished answering all of LAST week's Q&A questions. We had more than I was expecting haha and we have quite a few this week as well. I'm gonna answer 25 more all from Patreon and I will answer the rest hopefully faster. No one even complained but I want you to know I still plan to answer everybody :)



What shape do you think the next satellite on the falcon is gonna be, since they lost the rectangle one on crait?


Hi Alex, overall do you think the books or comics add more to the overall Star Wars story?--By that I mean the story arc provided by the movies. Are the books higher up on the "pecking" order?


I think add books at a lot more, but that might just be my personal bias against comics. Of the Star Wars comics I've read, I don't think any of them presented a story that was as detailed, or frankly as interesting, as the stories we are getting in the books. The Phasma comic did very little that wasn't also in the book, and did it in much less detail, and I don't feel like I got very much out of the Dr. Aphra comic either (despite having been told it was great for the Legends references). I'm going to keep reading them because I'm a completionist, but when I am pinched for time or money I always go books over comics.