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Ah! I missed posting the Q&A thread yesterday! But leave your questions for this week's video here, and I hope everyone had a fantastic Monday!



Do you think either Luke or Leia were conceived of miraculous conception? My daughter was born just before Episode 3 was released. It always really bothered me, that with all their technology they were unaware that she was carrying twins. One scene before Anakin meets Palpatine at the opera he meets with Padme and she says something like " hold me like you did at the lake" then the scene changes and Anakin is "swimming" up the opera steps, past Ol' George and his daughter, entering the "theater" and theres a giant floating... ovary in the center of the room. It seems to all be visual imagery of conception. Especially with GL the father of Star Wars and his daughter standing at the door.


So then what happened at the lake, was this her second pregnancy?


Do you think that Porgs are the owl-like creatures from Rebels?