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Hey guys! Leave your questions for this week's Q&A video here! I will be answering last week's questions as soon as I can as well. :)



SHOOT!! Anyway. I have been watching you specifically for about 5 months. I watch another 4ish Star Wars channels, I have to say, yours is far and away my favorite. So I decided, you should be able to make your passion your career and became a modest Patron. I am disabled, but will work my way up to Jedi Council, I swear on Yoda Hut, a new intergalactic chain of stew restaurants. I know you say all the time, but I am god-awful with name, so I apologize for not remembering your name or your wife's. Mine is Bruno obviously. I haven't used Twitter in a long time, I not even sure what my handle was. But I am on FB: donbruno


Dimmit! I am on FB: donbruno408, I'm pretty sure. I will like your page. If it matters my email is donbruno408@sbcglobal.net I left you on longish note on your: Everything We Know About Maz Kanata's Castle video. Thank you again for the hard work and passion you put into your content, Grand Master Jedi!!