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Kayla couldn’t have looked more affronted than if Cody had physically slapped her across the face, and the shrinker doubted he’d ever get more satisfaction out of any sight in his life than he did from the gasket-blowing befuddlement and rage he saw in her now. Her cheeks flushed and the veins popped in her eyes; her toes scrunched around his neck and her sole quivered from the temptation to press down until he disappeared under the petunia roots. Then the giantess’s lips parted, almost gasping for breath due to Cody’s sheer gall, but before either party could get another word out, they each froze when Kayla’s watch alarm bleeped.

Confused, Cody realized he’d actually forgotten the countdown, having become so invested in scaring Kayla with the revenge he absolutely intended to carry out. But it was 11:53 now, and going on the next minute already, while the giantess and her dirty half-submerged servant stared one another down. And yet he was still here. Then, as if an unseen power was forcibly wrenching her features, all the fury melted out of Kayla at once. Her gaze softened and her lips reverse-curled up into a euphoric smile.

“I’m… sorry… what was all that you were saying again?” she questioned with a faux-polite whisper. “I think I may have missed some of what you said, Cody, since I was distracted by my handy-dandy lil’ timer telling me it’s been one full day since you became the family foot-slut. But, from looking into your eyes now, and seeing that goddamned smug smile that I’m going to be permanently wiping off your face very soon, I KNOW this isn’t Charlie I’m talking to now. Actually, I’m starting to doubt that old Charlie is ever coming back. I think… just maybe… you’re locked in there for the long haul.”

She cocked her head at Cody, who was abruptly filled with a degree of madness more exponential than anything he’d yet experienced while stuck in this impotent body. A moment before, he’d felt impervious to her foot stamping him into the mulch, but now the compression of it felt astronomic in his perception, like that meaty soil-and-lint-smeared sole was expanding to the size and density of an island nation. The earth kept on bending at his back from Kayla pushing down and down, until only his head still poked up like a weed, with the oily inner flanks of her two largest toes sidled around his robot skull in an interrogative vice.

“What, don’t feel like repeating it? Too scared I’ll twist this little head of yours right off?” Kayla snarled, bringing back her furor in full. She tightened her dexterous digits around the shrinker’s face, smushing and squeezing until her toes turned milky-pale and Cody’s expression verged on tears. “Believe me, I’d like to do that. So, so much. But then it’d be a waste. Because that’d be letting you off way too easy, after the kind of mouthing-off you just pulled, and also because I’m going to need that naughty little tongue ready to lick all the nasty stuff off the bottoms of my feet every day and every hour from now on, until your little computer heart finally just tuckers out, and we toss you in a dumpster with the rest of the junk. You’re not just going to wish you hadn’t said all those stupid big-manly-man threats. You’re going to wish you’d never been born.”

Reaching a temporary peak in her fury, Kayla balled her fists and mashed the four-inch butler’s face the rest of the way into the earth under her heel. Above, he felt the ground compacting, darkening all around him and quaking while the giantess jumped up and down on top of where she’d buried him alive, like an overly-aggressive touchdown dance. Just when claustrophobia was settling in, however, her fingers clawed through the muck, grabbing the loam-packed Cody out of the flowerbed by his leg and letting him dangle like landfill trash from her fist.

Emerging back into the sunlight, out of his mind with bewilderment and shock at his continued imprisonment, the shrinker almost got the feeling like he’d been reborn from the ground as Charlie, this time forever. With every step Kayla took, he willed himself as strongly as he could to break out of this shell and return to his body. Yet the only liberation he experienced was when the giantess chucked him at the side of the house, letting him fall into the grass with a painful clatter before she scooped up the hose, cranked the knob, and power-washed her filth-crusted toy with ice-cold water until Cody was left involuntarily moaning for her to stop.

“Welcome to the first day of the rest of your life, shit-sack,” Kayla chuckled, planting her sweltering sole slab back on Cody’s frigid drippy robo-body with a remorseless whomp. “God, I can’t even tell you how happy I am right now. Because we have only JUST gotten started.”


Cody wore a polite smile, despite screaming for help on the inside, as the cocoon of Kayla’s strong fingers around his butler-body held him out in offering to Bri, who’d just stepped inside after the trip home from school, not twenty seconds before.

The shrunken sufferer was now faced with a far more disturbing problem; while he’d spent most of yesterday trying to disguise himself as Charlie, sick with nerves at being discovered, his wish had gone into unforeseeable overtime now, and he wanted nothing more than to reveal himself. Who the hell cared about the humiliation of everyone learning about his fetish-chasing transformation, compared to a possible lifetime imprisonment in this mechanical body at the gargantuan feet of ladies who saw him as only a pathetic toe-slurping toy, including the only person who knew he was human?

But after Kayla finished stomping, sole-burying, and rinsing Cody in the backyard today in her victory dance, she’d seen quickly to his chances of alerting the more sympathetic members of the family, commanding that he only smile in the others’ presence, and never give a hint of his identity. And so his programming rightfully shut him up.


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