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The towel wrapped around Tessa’s sopping body in a tight mummified cocoon. Despite having been in the mysterious and cheerfully cruel giantess’s clutches for a week now, the shrunken woman still held on to hope that, at any moment, she would be plunged into darkness and awake from the nightmare. For this had to be a horrible tortuous vision, rather than actual reality. She couldn’t possibly be three inches tall and at the complete mercy of an air-headed bimbo the size of a mountain who took it upon herself to fondle and cuddle with her monstrous fingers, to threaten Tessa with those mammoth soles, and to feed her pet exclusively with phlegmy drool.

Or, in this case, to bathe the little woman in the sink with the roughness of an unruly mouse. There, especially, Tessa made a bid to escape this terrible mirage. Yet no matter how hard the puny creature tried to squirm away in the slippery depths of the marbled basin, even managing to wriggle out from between Sarah’s soapy fingertips several times, there was nowhere to go, and inevitably, that giant peachy palm came flying in again at twice Tessa’s top swimming speed to recollect her.

“There we go, Bella! You’re all dry now!” Sarah announced, as she twirled the washcloth one final time around her tiny toy’s wriggling legs. “You know, it takes me a lot longer to clean you up when all you do is try to play around so much, instead of holding still so I can scrub and rub you up. But if you wanted to swim in the pool after you’re squeaky-clean, all you had to do was ask your Mommy! I’d let you go swimming anytime you want. Maybe we can even get the old spa tub out of the closet, and you can go swimming with my feet, and help the bubbles tickle my toes for a massage! That actually sounds sooooo nice. It’s been a stressful week trying to train you to be a good little girl, Bella. But I love you so much that it’s also super-fun!”

“God, no… please… please go away…” Tessa uttered uselessly as the veil of the washcloth was drawn away, revealing the humongous grinning face of her captor beyond. With the towel cleared away, there was once again no barrier between the little woman’s helpless naked body and the grabby nineteen-year-old leviathan’s molesting fingers. “Why won’t you disappear? How is this REAL?”

“You know, you really do have to be careful, Bella,” Sarah said, wagging a pink-painted fingernail at her pet. She tsked her tongue like a disapproving schoolteacher. “This is a big, BIG world for you, and if you don’t watch out, you might hurt yourself. All the fighting back you’ve been doing is cute and stuff, but if you try it too much, you can get sick. Like a couple days ago, when you puked your lunch up!”

“That’s because you made me drink your fucking SPIT, you fucking BITCH!” Tessa croaked.

“I love you too! Anyway, as your Mommy, it’s my job to protect you, even if I have to protect you from you!” Sarah continued. She slid Tessa’s wriggly body into her palm, then swiftly curled her fingers around her into a firm fist. Slowly, the talkative girl padded from the bathroom back into her bedroom, where she took a seat on the mattress. “So from now on, you’re gonna drink your meals when Mommy gives them to you, and then you’re gonna sit still while I give you a bath, so I make sure I clean every little bit of you just right. And then if you’re a very very good little girl, Mommy will let you play after. Maybe swimming, or even going down in my shoes, with Mommy’s toes! I bet you’d like that, Bella.”

“All I want is for you to die!” Tessa wept. She wrenched her shoulders from side to side, but found it impossible to budge the giant blonde’s tightly clenched hand. “Let me go!”

“See, there you go again, moving around like a cute little worm in your Mommy’s hand! Maybe it’s just cuz you like how snuggly I can make you feel in there? Either way, it’s not good for Mommy’s little Bella to be moving around so much all the time. You have to learn to relax,” Sarah pondered aloud. She curled her legs up on the bedspread. Her eyes lit up with eager promise, as though an idea had just popped into her head, though Tessa was too preoccupied with uselessly struggling to notice. “Hey… there is one thing we haven’t tried to make you feel better, Bella. Maybe that’s what you’ve wanted all along. For Mommy to… help you be nice and calm.”

“What the hell are you talking about?”

“Don’t talk back to Mommy, Bella. Just hold still for once so I can show you how good it can be when you relax and let Mommy take care of everything,” Sarah instructed somewhat sternly. Sticking out her tongue, she swiped the smallest finger of her free hand along the slimy muscle to wet it. At last, her thick fingers uncurled, flattening Tessa out into the blonde’s wide palm. However, before the shrunken lady could even think of making a leap for freedom, she was shocked at the giantess’s next move.

Immediately, Sarah shoved her damp pinky fingertip between Tessa’s thighs, and commenced nuzzling her digit against the prisoner’s womanhood.

“Jesus Christ, get off me! What do you think you’re doing?” Tessa howled. She’d been manhandled all week by this grubby stranger, yet this was on a whole new level of violation. Hands and feet flailing, she redoubled her escape efforts.

“Uh-oh, somebody’s not following Mommy’s directions!” Sarah sang in her trademark high-pitched coo. With her hand laid flat for Tessa, the giant blonde’s pinky was the only thing pinning the little woman down, though that was all it took to immobilize her. “I know that you can be a little shy. But you don’t have to worry about a thing, Bella. See, Mommy’s had a lot of practice doing this. I mean, Boogie’s little privates area is different than yours, obviously, and I’m a lot better at making him go goosh cuz I’ve had so much more time to play with him. But I had practice with Queenie, too. And she was just like you. She pretended she didn’t like it at first, but eventually, I showed her how nice it is, with my finger down here, warm and wet with my yummy spit on the end to make it feel good. You’ll be the same way, Bella, after I’ve showed you once. All you have to do is hold still and let Mommy do her job.”

As Sarah rambled, her other fingers wrapped back down and began lightly nuzzling and grazing across Tessa’s naked ebony body. Those digits petted her long now-matted black hair, stroked her abdomen, and playfully rubbed the woman’s exposed breasts back and forth like gumdrops. This only caused Tessa to writhe harder. A traumatic shiver ran through her body each time Sarah’s molesting fingers made contact, and they showed no sign of slowing.

“What’s the matter, huh?” Sarah questioned, her voice just as babyish as ever, but impatient. “Why won’t you hold still for Mommy, Bella? After all I’ve done for you, rescuing you out of the garden, giving you a home, feeding you my delicious saliva, and giving you all the kisses and cuddles you could ever want, you still won’t trust me on how to make you feel good. Why’s that, Bella? Is Mommy not good enough for you?”


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