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POV Tess Hansen

Was I ever this angry in my life? Did I ever hate another being that much?

If Nathaniel hadn't stopped me, I would already be in the middle of the room, fighting the four ants and probably risking the lives of three of my precious friends in the process. Lives of my comrades.

Can I trust you to save them? I want to ask, but our eyes meet for a second and I know I don't have to.

Right now, Nathaniel shows an expression I had yet to see on his usually emotionless face. It will be fine, I know at that moment.

“Fuck them up,” Lily spits out, and his mana crashes in waves inside the room.

Nathaniel disappears, teleporting, and appears on top of the biggest ant, the Arcane Juggernaut.

Mana radiates from Nathaniel in amounts that I'm sure would tear my body apart, and armor manifests around him, armor that continues to grow to the point it makes Nathaniel three times as tall and surrounded by all that mana in the shape of armor.

A few fire-based attacks crash against it, followed by some invisible ones that leave deep gouges on the ground behind him. The ones that hit him he only shrugs off and stays on top of the ant that is slower than the others, yet from the look, extremely durable.

Lily groans, falling to her knees, and a few of her fingers disappear as she continues to stare at the crown on top of his head.

Then Nathaniel screams and more mana radiates from him, the armor turning dark blue and speeding up its movement. The hands of the armor become bigger, and he grabs the head of the ant he stands on that keeps trying to shake him off.

With sheer shock, I watch as he tears the head of the ant, twice as big as a bus, off. The barriers around the ant just disappear the moment Nathaniel's armor touches them. The Juggernaut's body isn't able to endure, and the head just comes off.

Nat throws it against Inferno ant who summons a wall of flame in response, turning the head to dust in the blink of an eye.

The massive body of the dead Juggernaut ant falls to the ground and I notice that Lily barely has any mana left and that Nat continues to bleed from wounds created all over his body.

Lily's left leg disappears and I feel movement behind us.

[Stormcrown] activates and my lightning surrounds us, clashing against a few attacks directed at us.

Then one of Nathaniel's anchors near us activates and his disrupting mana hits the Rift Shifter ant before he can disappear.

Immediately I boost my javelins as much as possible and a few of them hit his body, sending lightning through it.

The ant tries to create another rift, but another anchor near him explodes, Nathaniel's kinetic energy destroying a few of the ant's legs and that's when I increase the weight of the spear I got as much as possible to the point where it's hard to move.

The spear pierces the ant's carapace, the sheer momentum behind it allowing it to do so, but the ant disappears again, appearing near Lily.

Before he touches her, a few gray threads spin around her and pass through the ant's body while another of her legs disappears. For a moment the ant looks almost confused and then his body falls into two pieces that continue to move.

My javelins stab through him while I push against him with my [Psychokinesis] at full power.

He uses another rift-like attack that crashes against my lightning, forcing me to use more of my mana until they cancel out each other and my spear finishes him off.

When I look up, Nathaniel floats in the air, standing against two remaining ants. There are no wings on him, no mana, lightning, or anything. He just floats there without me being able to feel anything. It's almost eerie.

A small ant jumps on the Inferno ant's back and golden flames burst forth from them at the same time as it feels like they are sucking the heat from the room.

Just an arm's reach in front of Nathaniel they stop, like there is some invisible barrier, and I hear a sound reminding me of a heartbeat.

One heartbeat and I feel an immense amount of mana radiate from Nathaniel.

The second heartbeat and some of the flames move and swirl around Nathaniel as he takes them under his control.

Third heartbeat and Nathaniel's legs twist and break as if under immense pressure.

Fourth heartbeat and Lily's right hand disappears.

I grab her and hold her against my chest.

Nathaniel´s face is calm and I can see that he is careful to not allow any of this to touch our friends. Roaring like a terrifying animal, the flames around Nathaniel burst forth, extremely concentrated.

There is no heat filling the room, the thermal energy just becomes concentrated, focused into a single beam as thin as my finger with speed that is impossible to track. It hits the Inferno Ant in the middle of its body and then moves diagonally, cutting him in half like some sort of laser.

The small Ability Leech Ant tries to run, but Nathaniel does something, and the ant freezes in the air, unable to move.

“No… don't kill him,” someone says, and it takes me a few moments to realize it's Sophie.

I stop right before killing the small ant and turn to Sophie.


After creating a few threads of dark blue mana that I use to tie the ant and placing an anchor near him that I constantly send disrupting mana through, I float to her.

“Get me out,” she hisses through clenched teeth, and I tear the things from her and the twins while creating mana arms to gently bring them down.

My body burns and hurts, and I'm barely able to keep myself from fainting, but I take down the crown to save Lily's mana.

“They wanted to get my [Manipulation] and the twins' [Connection] to improve their [Hive Mind],” she explains.

“Just rest for now, we will take care of the rest. Izzy and others are safe,” I tell her before she asks.

For a moment, she closes her eyes, tears appearing and flowing down her cheeks, “I'm so glad.”

She opens them right after, “You won't be able to escape,” she says, “the First One, the first ant the lynthari Champion created, knew that you would be coming and he already trapped other people. He and most of the colony are creating a barrier around where we are so you can't return through the rift.”

I watch as Lily sacrifices three of her fingers to slightly heal Sophie, Aaron, and Dennis, and do not stop her. She is still unable to sacrifice items, unfortunately.

“We will find a way out,” I tell Sophie.

She shakes her head, “They know about most of your skills, the barrier is something you won't be able to break, especially not if the First One intervenes.”

I don't like it; it's almost as if she underestimates me. Sure, my body hurts, my mana is at low levels, and they know my skills, but that doesn't mean they can stop me.

“I will help, so please, Nathaniel, take care of Izzy in case it goes to shit,” a smile that appears on her face is sad, yet beautiful.

Then, before I can do anything, her [Manipulation] activates, and she uses the twins' [Connection] to connect to the Ability Leech Ant and then to the entire colony.

The little ant starts flailing and twitching, and I stop Tess from killing it, “You will hurt Sophie if you touch it,” I warn her, decoding the web Sophie starts creating.

I can't even disrupt it in the same worry of hurting her, nor can I observe it more.

Instead, I expand the range of my [Perception], and then for the first time, I see the sheer terror her [Manipulation] can cause and why the Colony and the matriarch are scared of her.

Sophie connects to and manipulates the ants’ [Hive Mind], and in the process, she takes over the ants that are all in it, fighting for control against the First One that is busy with Myrra and others.

As a virus, her influence spreads, and the ants closest to us stop moving, and slowly, further ones too. Soon, I'm unable to feel how far it reaches because of my limited [Perception]. Her subclass greed must somehow help her because otherwise, I can't imagine how she can do it with as much mana as she has.

The ants start moving again, jumping against each other, mandibles clacking, and skills activating as the members of the colony fight each other in silence.

“So fucking dumb,” Lily groans, and the remainder of her fingers disappear, as well as a piece of her arm, and Sophie's face becomes a bit less pale.

“We are leaving,” I pick the twins and Sophie into mana arms I create, and as the first one, I start running a different way we came, not wanting to meet the black mana orb again. The little ant I move too.

I continue to use [Perception] and track the mana stone Myrra left for me, and we pass through the tunnels. None of the ants notice us, all of them too busy murdering each other. Members of the Colony, whose immense power came from cooperation, are tearing each other's legs off and biting their heads.

All because of the skill Sophie possesses.

Rushing, we finally reach the tunnels near the room where we came from, and there we find Myrra and the rest of the group. Some of them are missing, others are wounded, and no one looks untouched.

"We failed," Myrra hisses, "they waited for us." She pulls out a stone from the matriarch and a rift similar to Eris's appears in front of us, "Let's leave and…"

That's when one of the humans moves and burrows his dagger covered in yellow mana into Myrra's chest, barely missing her heart because Myrra shifted her body.

One of the lynthari dashes, too quickly for me to follow and his body breaking in the process. He passes by me and when I turn around, I only see Sophie's separated head falling to the ground.


Another human dashes at me, but before he even reaches me, an extremely concentrated burst of kinetic energy hits his head. At the same time, a few of the enforcers jump and literally tear apart the lynthari that attacked Myrra and the human that attacked Sophie.

Sophie's head rolls on the ground, her eyes open. Panic is about to take over me. A feeling of desperation. A broken promise I gave to the child.


Did I give up already? This much is fine. I can do it.

Deep breath in. Breathe out.

Immediately I scan the rest of the members of the group around me, but no one has a similar mark in their brain as the three ones that attacked us had.


"Through the rift," I say calmly and grab Sophie's head, ignoring Lily and Tess.

When I pass through it, I wait until everyone is here and watch as wounded Myrra closes it.

"I will be alright," Myrra says, blood on her lips.

I put the twins on the ground and then put Sophie's head next to her neck.

It's fine, we have a few minutes, We can heal it.

"Nathaniel, I don't have enough mana," Lily cries knowing what I'm thinking, "even if I sacrifice most of what I have left, I won't be able to heal it and restart her..." The petite brunette sobs.


"I don't know how! I tried, I tried so hard!"

"I see," I nod and look around.

There is no other healer.

For a few precious seconds, I stare at Sophie's body and then get on my knees and move in front of Lily, "Sacrifice my body parts," I tell her.

"I won't be able to, it would be even harder than…"

"I know," I tell her and then, creating a resonating mana along my hand. I cut off my entire left arm and close the wound by burning it with thermal energy.

I put the arm in front of Lily, "This is the arm you restored for me. You sacrificed your arm to restore it. It's made by you and strengthened by me. You have a connection to it."

Slowly, her eyes open wider, and with shaking remains of her left arm, she touches it, "If I fail..."

"You won´t," I say.

My arm disappears and the mana that flows through Lily is grander than ever before. The arm she sacrificed is of someone with a much higher level than hers. With constructs etched into it, the arm filled with mana and of a body bearing two epic passives. It's a good arm.

Healing skill activates, and I watch as two pieces of Sophie's body connect.

It happened just a few seconds ago. The brain didn't have time to die. Lily can restart the body.

It will be fine.

Lily uses more mana, and it keeps flowing inside Sophie, restoring it, and circulating around her heart, and her brain.

Sophie isn't a normal human either; she has stats, levels, skills, and passives. Something like this should be possible even with a normal human, but Sophie is more akin to a superhuman like all of us.

It will be fine.

Sophie´s heart starts beating a few times, and some color returns to her face. More warm mana radiates from Lily, and Sophie's chest starts moving.

I don't want to break a promise I made to a little kid. A promise I made to a friend.

Sophie breathes out and in, and her eyelids move a bit, and she opens her eyes, immediately closing them because of the light.

I look at Lily, Tess, Sophie, Aaron, and Dennis.

All of them are fine.


Next Chapter


edgardo rossi

Thanks for the chapter

Hong Zhou

Man that left arm can’t catch a break. Cant catch much of anything really.


amazing chapter


[Focus] remains MVP, very nice


He is going to absolutely destroy the lynthari.

Dune Black

Izzie will like him even more !


Thank you!


Yeah, that First One just earned herself a fast pass ticket straight to the Ant Obliterator 1,000,000. Nat is burning the whole Colony to the ground and then punching the Matriarch for a bit for knowing about this and not doing anything


fun fact the human brain remains conscious for 30 seconds after decapitation.


holy shiiiit she can ressurect people now. Thats amazing. Granted, She wasnt all dead. Quite sure people can survive decapitation for a couple seconds. You can see your own body disconected from your head. A bit of a surreal experience. Imagine the trauma of knowing you would die for sure if it wasnt for Nat being a lunatic. Does Lily get anything from the feat?


I did a lot of googling so my search history must be.... quite interesting, lol. From what I found out something like that should be possible as they did reconnect the head around 30s after being cut off, a minute at most. The biggest damage would happen after 4-6 minutes and in this case, it would take probably even longer as they have stats, passives and such so from some POV they can't be called human anymore. I also hinted at these changes to their bodies with Archdeer meat that was over 200 years old and still fine. Then there is reconnecting the spinal cord, veins, and nerves, restarting blood circulation, and dealing with possible rejection from the immune system - but Lily was able to regrow limbs so it should be easy for her. Shock and trauma are other things. As for Lily getting something. A few levels in Sacrifice for sure and maybe filled some requirements for her Primary Class at lvl 150. And probably a good feeling for saving Sophie.


The response of "isn't her friend being alive enough reward?" implication made me laugh hard right now. Cool. If you consider Stats and stuff clean cuts like those would actually be preferable, instead of jagged and mangled limbs. just reattach. simple. Nat has to include those in his repertoire, total and complete annihilation of opposition. Don't let a single drop of blood left for a 1 in a billion chance that they could recover from it.


Was it the matriarch that was mind-controlling the people or was it somehow the hive mind


"ant's body while another of her legs disappears" I'd change 'another' to 'her other'.. another sounds like she's got legs to spare lol


I think the hive mind because the Matricharch woudn't try to kill Myrra


Other people's prespective of Nat doing almost anything never ceases to amuse me

Moon Winchester

I can see it already, the second his skill hits the forbidden level 100 Nathan is going to enter a stat of focus more intense then anything in existence and send his consciousness back in time a couple of seconds and stop his past self from the final level up. Creating a construct to either seal or bar the level up.


That or seeing your own heart still beating ripped off your chest, surely last moments worth to remember although not for long for most


Yeah no way any of Calamities will survive after this, cleaning time soon


Thx for chappie, and I called it someone would die, well she doesn't stay dead but hey. And did you all forget about the black Orb that's still hovering in the tunnels? I think that shits gonna do something, like absorb the whole colony and Nat gets like a gazillion levels tomorrow. It's gonna continue growing at this point and as they finished the floor by killing the ant calamity they can leave now and have to because the whole floor would get absorbed. Am I even close cerim? ^^


That was an awesome chapter thanks!


AHA! Gotcha! Hmm no wait... Do I? I will just say I am close and if it's different I can claim you changed it after the fact. Yeah seems reasonable to me.

Memelord Steambath

Bruh, nat does not even accept the death of his teammates. I doubt any will die at this point

Memelord Steambath

I totally imagine a scenario where level 1000 beings can be brought back from the dead now...would be a insane process but I could image a few cults trying it


I do think a character death is needed to truly push Nat preferably lilys tbh because I think it'll be good character growth




Ha, I literally said there was a fifth calamity on the floor. Nat and his mana. I wasn’t kidding. I was serious and very sure of that statement.