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Reverse Bunny & Maid Navia Megatoggle! (Gallery)

The biggest megatoggle to date - it combines 2 general costume types with 3 body variants! This mod combines the Reverse Bunny (buttplug tail and tail bone tail variants) with the Maid outfit - helps that they share the same base elements! It also lets you toggle the pasties (top and bottom), wristbands, stockings and camisole independently!

Unfortunately, no pubes toggle for this one (although you can just copy and paste the DDS from pube having Navias over the bodydiffuse and bodylightmaps in f0001 directory)... I thought the pubic hair conflicted too much with the pussy pasty, plus I literally ran out of buttons (not really, but of the ones I use regularly) to toggle it!


  • Press '6' or Xbox LB + RT + X to toggle Wrist bands
  • Press '7' or Xbox LB + RT + Y to toggle Hat
  • Press '8' or Xbox LB + Dpad Down to toggle Headbands (and Bunny Tails)
  • Press 'Y' or Xbox LB + Y to toggle Dress
  • Press 'H' or Xbox LB + X to toggle Nipple Pasties
  • Press 'N' or Xbox LB + A to toggle Pussy Pastie
  • Press '9' or Xbox LB + RT + Dpad Down to toggle Face Blush
  • Press '0' or Xbox LB + RT + A to toggle Body Size
  • Press '-' or Xbox LB + LT + RT + A to Quick Switch to Nude
  • Press '='  or Xbox LB + LT + RT + Dpad Down to Quick Switch to 'Dressed'

Uses 'ORFix' to fix reflections and outlines. Download from


And place in your 3DM genshin ./mods/buffervalues/ folder

Instructions @


Download Here


Oof. Caught the clipping on the camisole late. Unfortunately I just can't go back to fix this... each 300 variant export takes hours and hours, on top of the fact that I'm just behind on the Raiden mod... please just look away from unnecessary problems! *runs*



Aaron Wright

Just a note for others, copying the pubic hair bodydiffiuse from other skins turns the ears black :)


Loving the tail bone tail variant! Thank you alot! :)


Hi, do the toggles I choose not save? I open the game and the selected toggles go back to default.


they should, but sometimes they don't... depending on mod. it's a 3dm bug, but I don't know the cause or solution yet.

Kelzok Kelzok

Excellent! I love this! Thank you for the SFW toggle version also. The tail in the appropriate bunny position small of the back. Don't get me wrong I love the rest also. But having the SFW toggle makes all the difference. Nice job.


Excellent!!Really wish there will be an auto toggle when swimming~Thats really a great idea you did before!