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Merry Christmas (for those that celebrate)! I'm taking a break tomorrow, so enjoy this Christmas gift from me to all you lovely Patreon friends!

This is the penultimate version of Christmas Navia, and also the last version. Hopefully it satisfies. I've added quality of life features like quick switches (to SFW and nudes), and I've also added face blush (it was a toggle, but I decided an auto toggle to when she's exposed was more fun), and pubic hair toggle for the decent proportion of peeps that keep asking for that!

I know Navia is especially popular this banner, so after a short break, we'll be going straight into her other outfits, including her OG/skimpy, Bunny and reverse bunny outfits, interleaving it with the Ayaka stuff I've prepared earlier!


Navia celebrates winter festivities by wrapping up her bossom with festive themed decorations!

Allows for independent toggle on her Hat, Ribbon/Shawl, Gloves, Boots and Torso garments.

Also includes pubic hair toggle and facial blush (activates automatically when she's undressed).


  • Press '6' (or Xbox LB + RT + Y) to toggle her Hat
  • Press '7' (or Xbox LB + RT + X) to toggle her Ribbon
  • Press 'Y' (or Xbox LB + Y) to toggle her gloves
  • Press 'H' (or Xbox LB + X) to toggle her torso gear
  • Press 'N' (or Xbox LB + A) to toggle her boots
  • Press '9' (or Xbox LB + A) to toggle her Pubic Hair
  • Press '-' (or Xbox LB + RT + Dpad Down) to Toggle Her Nudes
  • Press '=' (or Xbox LB + Dpad Down) to Toggle (covered) Primary Outfits

Uses 'ORFix' to fix reflections and outlines. Download from


And place in your 3DM genshin ./mods/buffervalues/ folder

Instructions @


Download Link 




merry chrysler!!1!


Thank you and Merry Christmas!


Really appreciate it and Merry Christmas!

kk ss

(^▽^)Merry Christmas!!


"Press '9' (or Xbox LB + A) to toggle her Pubic Hair" (•̀ᴗ•́)و ̑̑ An awesome Christmas gift that looks amazing! Merry Christmas Lad and team!


I am really looking forward to the maid and the bunny girl, Merry Christmas, Mr.Lewd~

壮 大

I really like your work. May I ask, or rather suggest, if there will be a slimmer version of this? Also, could you consider reverting the current Christmas-themed color palette to its original colors


Merry christmas mr Lad! Thank you for all the mods!

月 灵

Merry Christmas!


She'll be getting a whole different set of non-christmas themed outfits in her original colors :D


Try restarting your Genshin.