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Heya peeps. Still working on the Furina texturing... nearly done, but potentially won't be able to get it out today. So rather than leaving you guys high and dry, I'll just give a sneak peak into the process.

Texturing is generally the most time consuming part of the process - to get right at least. It also strongly affects how good and finished the mod looks, so is a major component in making it look as good as it can.

It's reminescent to illustration... texturing is basically the whole painting/rendering phase - before that you have concept, design, sketch, refinement, inking... and then rendering!

With Genshin mods, there's also 2 texture maps of note to worry about - the Diffuse (color) and the lightmap (material definitions), and while I try to do what I can by borrowing the diffuse information and turning it into lightmaps, for the best results, I still need to go in and tweak and adjust by hand!

Not to mention that I've got 2 literal sets of clothing for Furina (actually more given the Furina whole OG furina + angel/devil/witch thing), and countless small objects!

But we're close enough to completion that I think I'd prefer to delay it a day and release a multi-toggle tomorrow, rather than release it nearly done then wait more time before releasing a corrected version! Hopefully you're all good with that - and can appreciate the small details that I've put into finishing this.




don't worry it's ok tho we understand ;) looking forward to the full release ;) :3


The green colored screenshots makes me want a meme mod where she becomes a leprechaun LOL


I hope there can be more NSFW content please ~(´,,•ω•,,‘)