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23/11 Edit

A number of users found that the lightmap was missing from the mod which I didn't realize - I've found the lightmap and updated the zip file. Please redownload if you're affected, cheers!

Original Post

So after spending an unreasonable amount on this walking stick and the two green buttholes, I decided to make it worth my artistic while by making a design that compliments the whole Angel x Devil theme.

Anyway, this is an autotoggle mod as well - it detects her hair in Pneuma mode, so defaults to the dark mode. When held by another character, the sword remains dark.

Definetly prefer this sort of sharp rapier like sword over the walking stick that we got; if you have that sort of preference too, enjoy! :D

Download Here




Just tested this beautiful mod - everything works great and looks stunning, but i am getting an error "failed to load custom texture resource" on the LightMap (both variants) - i looked in the file and its only 4x4 Pixel . Maybe someone can help? :)


as a member of the walking stick community thank you for making the weapon look somewhat menacing


Quick question, what does sotwwEffectModDo? Also time to test if I can port this to work on Key of Khaj. Cheers! Edit 1: Welp, weaponporting on the AGMG server didn't work. Ah well

Kevin Buana

Can anybody teach me how to use this mod to replace sacrificial sword instead?


Hello how are you. The sword is beautiful...but I have a problem...I couldn't get the transparency effect to work. Does anyone know how to make this effect work? I wait. Greetings.