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Hey all, hope you're enjoying the fontaine update! Been hanging with a bunch of you on voice chat on the discord server (discord.gg/lmgg), and everyone seems pretty happy with how big a change things are!

Some mods have broken a little (transparencies, reflections, under skirt camera, etc) so will take some time to fix.

I'm continuing to work hard on this model - very pleased with how it's coming along, but it'll still be a couple days before I can even get her into a WIP playable state - but the lewding potential is very high with the range of toggles she has!




Love it :3


yeah it was expected that everything will get broke on this update XD :( (Your Rosaria mod transparency got completly broken from all of the versions and variants of the mod :( ) im looking so forward to this mod!!! <3 Also i think it would be great to have a version of this Bad Bitch mod but with Rosaria as well ;)


wow good, with tighter harness with more belts to make a focus on breasts like those in ref image could look better?

sebastian Schmitt

I see your point as well, but its so hard to crit. a model which got allready so much work on it :S I realy like the model tho.