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As promised, I'm making a bikini armor version of Eula using the previous Jean mod. I've kitbashed parts of the Seele/Starchasm Nyx outfit with the Jean armor and... it looks... awesome! Admittedly, it's not going to be my most polished work - but the overall shapes and forms look pretty good to my eye! Also managed to get it looking like it's fairly distinctive to Jean's armor, while still sharing enough elements to make them look like they're from the same order!

Will be retexturing the black armor parts from the Seele outfit, and will have to do a decent amount of reweighting - but most of it's already done, so shouldn't take more than a couple more days to get done (I hope)!

Lewd Jean Bikini Armor Bottomless and Topless releases tomorrow (kinda ran out of time to do all the pics/posts for it, so I'll do it when I wake), so look forward to that one!




We are not worthy of your awesome.


YES!!!!!!!!!! <3




Hmmm, maybe Shinya could do a quick retexture and have Eula be a dark knight to Jean's light. :D


We got the dandelion knight and the spindrift knight! What’s next on the knights of favonius?