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I had promised these for a while and someone recently reminded me to put this one up, so here they are! The small breasts (or rather closer to original in game breast size) toggle!



Mutune Usada

If there is a version that ayaka without pants and bikini, it will be sooooo wonderful.

Mutune Usada

I wonder why there is something wrong with my ayaka with the fabric on the waist. It is a "Focus" issue that I can see straightly ayaka's hair rather than her thigh.

Mutune Usada

Yes. All of other Ayakas mod with this fabric cause the same problem. I wonder if that I am the only one who encounters this problem?


I like this skin, and more without AyakaDress.ib) and i have question, why lines are so thicc?

Mutune Usada

I think I've just found the crux of the problem! It is that I have to turn the Environment Detail to high or highest, than the problem will be solved! I don't know how but it works!


Oh. That's interesting to note. Unfortunately, modding can be technically complex due to the way it works - and a lot of those technical details are basically only discovered from tens of thousands of users like yourself! :p Well, at least we know another factor to check in future!


yes, they are like in the screenshot, but if we compare them with other skins, like the previous ayaka skin, it is thick

修水 欧阳

If move ayaka's skin in the hat and hair to this bikini should be perfect, i supposed


If there is a version that ayaka without pants and bikini, it will be sooooo wonderful.


same, I also have this issue on all the summer ayakas. I can see the hair instead of the body

Mutune Usada

The problem can be solved by turning the Environment Detail to high or highest and restart the game, have a try. ;)


medium is premium


would you like make a similar one for Beidou

壮 大

If there is a version that ayaka without pants and bikini, it will be sooooo wonderful.