Work in Progress Buff Shirtless Diluc - Gallery (Patreon)
Managed to get the buff male bod with Diluc in game - he's looking good, but far from complete. Development goes slowly with this - general lack of interest inside and outside of this patreon unfortunately.
Having said that, I actually plan on partnering up with one of the modders in the community to help make more male mods - I'll share my male bod with them and help supervise the model creation process to ensure that the quality is up to scratch. This will most likely result in a partnership where I create a tier for them specifically on this patreon, and then pay them monthly for every signup on that tier.
That way we get to have our cake and eat it too - better male mods, but I won't have to spend so much of my time making them personally, which suits both you, me and the potential modding partner fine!