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Is it still the #FeastDance if we’ve finished the Feast? Ivan & Red continue reading of the Boiled Leather chapter order combining George R.R. Martin’s A Feast for Crows and A Dance with Dragons. This week it’s A Ghost in Winterfell (Theon VI) (ADWD 47) & Tyrion X (ADWD 48). Specific page numbers in various editions can be found here and here.

Next Chapters: Jaime VIII (ADWD 49) & Jon X (ADWD 50)




Also voting for full season! Also as an interesting aside to Counterpart, you guys might want to check out The City & The City. It's a BBC miniseries based off a China Mieville novel. Not quite alternate universes, but the idea is very similar.


I'm very excited by your possible twitch venture. Y'all would be *raking* in the subs if there's a BGAS twitch channel.