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This is the last Bonus episode. I decided to move it from the 16th to today because I think a frank talk (as these episodes usually are) was a good way to end the year.

I hope all of you have a great New Year and I will be posting January's schedule on either the 2nd or the 3rd. 



Very much agree with this.. It reflects a much more realistic approach and allows for a framework for a real life FLR relationship!


I’m submissive but I still have primal urges that drive certain behaviour. And I’m a powerful creative human with big ideas and aspirations. I yearn for a mistress who relishes my ambition and creativity. Someone who enjoys some push back and debate. I enjoy language, wordplay, being seductive, and cheeky! I know there must be powerful, dominant women that would enjoy these qualities in a submissive? Thank you for reassuring me. These women exist, such as your magnificent and inspirational self. Xxx