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In just less than a month, we hit TWO OF OUR GOALS! Once again, thank you guys for the support! I am truly thankful and grateful that you guys are taking your time and hard-earned money to help me reach the goals for the channel! I already know what will be the next highest goal for the Patreon, (which I will talk about sometime this week). I also wanted to let you guys know that before hitting the $125 goal, I've been talking to several voice actors that I believe I can start commissioning for
these projects. I will talk about some of the commissioned voice actors in this week's progress post. With that said, THANK YOU GUYS AGAIN FOR YOUR SUPPORT AND I WILL CONTINUE TO DO MY BEST!




But when you say "famous voice actors", one name that springs to mind is Brent Pendergrass, and it'd be pretty ballin' to hear him in one of your animations oWo


Alright, man. If you can actually get him to do voice work for one of your animations, that'd be pretty sweet