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With another one down, the number of nights he’d spent without sleep had officially become high enough that both his hands weren’t enough to count them all. For the past two weeks, he had been subsisting on a steady diet of caffeine and whatever happened to have a high enough sugar content to keep him going, even if it started to take its toll on his body after just a couple of days. With the number of reported incidents climbing ever higher and the police department unable to do anything to stop them, it fell on the barely-funded IT department to scrounge up some of their old manuals and go to war with whatever second-hand equipment the station happened to have on hand.

Not Shu, though; he actually had standards.

While the rest of his coworkers were happy to waste time and money using materials and resources they knew wouldn’t get them anywhere, he requested he be allowed to work from home (after a few months of futilely trying to stop someone who clearly had access to better resources), using his own custom rig with a secure connection to their workplace’s private network. It needed some jury rigging, not to mention a lot of convincing that he wasn’t poking holes into their security systems, but after a long-winded speech about justice and dedication to the cause, the young officer was allowed an extended leave until such a point as their prime suspect was caught.

For several months by that point, the city had been terrorized by the actions of someone (or several someones) calling themselves “Deus”; a haughty nickname for an equally arrogant individual(s), whose laundry list of cybercrimes ran so long that some of Shu’s colleagues joked about stack overflow issues whenever they tried to bring up their record. It was their way of making light of the situation after it kept turning grimmer with each passing day; what had started as small-scale DDoS attacks on local library servers had become semi-constant attempts at breaching bank networks and screwing with police records. Without a stated goal, it was difficult to tell where this person or persons would attack next; all everyone knew was that they’d leave their name behind, plastered all over the database or webpage, if there was one.


The name was burned into Shu’s retinas from how often he forced himself to look at it, trying to find a clue in those four letters. Everyone else assumed it was just a statement of superiority; “I am your god,” he was saying, every time he broke through several layers of expensive defences only to deface whatever was behind and then leave. This was what was perplexing about the cybercriminal’s actions; though they could do a lot of damage, they always seemed to stop short of anything truly major. A few deleted files here, maybe a few hundred dollars, when they could do so much more; many deduced it was just for show, and that this “Deus” was probably some bored software engineer trying to play hacker in order to spruce up their boring life.

But Shu knew better. Or at least he thought he did. Certainly would be weird if he compiled 500 pages of material on Deus only for it to turn out to be a dead end.

He was convinced that this “person” was actually a group working in unison. It was the only explanation for how they seemed to be able to strike at so many different targets with wildly different methods of data encryption in such short intervals, as well as the use of a self-aggrandizing title meant to invoke a singular, all-powerful entity. It was all a ruse, he was sure of it… and he was going to prove it.

Unfortunately, he wasn’t having a lot of luck getting any progress done, though that was mostly due to his coworker’s utter ineptitude and apathy; he had to run things through so many layers of pointless bureaucracy that he figured most of his time “on the clock” was actually spent waiting for other people to give him the go-ahead to do what was necessary. In the meantime, he tried to find as much about this (or these) “Deus” as he could afford without risking his own security; people of their ilk didn’t tend to congregate in places that were very outsider-friendly, and that was his personal rig he was using. Cost him a decent chunk of change and was dear enough to his heart that he’d rather lose his car over it.

Still, two weeks spent working every waking hour, occasionally taking a break for coffee or a sweet, and eleven sleepless nights without anything resembling a breakthrough. With the sunrise visible through his window, Shu was just about ready to give up and head to bed so he could wake up three hours after lunch feeling like he hadn’t eaten in a month… until one of his many open tabs popped up with a (1).

… his personal email?

He got all excited for nothing; it was probably just another communiqué from work, and with his luck, it wouldn’t even be anything relevant to catching Deus. Still, if they sent anything at that ungodly hour, it ought to be important, so he forced himself to swallow whatever they were about to feed him and switched to the updated tab. That’s when he saw it.

“&&%”!#(“ - How goes your hunting, Shu?”

His name in the subject was bad enough, but the sender being listed as a series of nonsense symbols made him shiver in dread; far as he knew, no one had come up with a way to use junk data as their email address, much less something that obviously tampered. Considering his circumstances, the number of people who would address him like that and had the skillset required to mask their identity in such a manner was… limited, to say the least. It was beyond likely that this was Deus, somehow having gotten hold of their personal email; not exactly that big a feat, though, considering what they usually got up to.

The question then became if he wanted to open that thing. Or rather, he obviously shouldn’t; every instinct in him, as well as just common knowledge, told him that doing so was both incredibly reckless and potentially dangerous, leading anywhere from severe malware infection to an outright system shutdown. But after two whole weeks of tireless work, and months more of coordinating with his coworkers to track down someone who refused to be found, there was very little common sense left in Shu’s mind; all he saw was the potential to make a big discovery, to hold it close to his heart while he followed it through to a grand reveal. It’d be like the movies, except far more boring and probably filled with several tons more waiting for things to run their course… but it still counted!

His mouse cursor hovered over the subject line. How did his hunting go? Very poorly, obviously, but apparently not so poorly that Deus didn’t notice. Surely, at some point, he must’ve tripped on something marginally important, even if he didn’t notice; if only he knew what it was, he could probably start working on it without taking the risk. But absent any kind of lead, and his desperation being what it was, he failed to resist.

Surprisingly, nothing happened beyond the email opening. No .exe file cleverly hidden inside, no attempts at hijacking or popups, no links to anything; just a simple message in plaintext, with the garbled “From:” header visible above it.

“Look behind you.”

Shu scoffed, daring to laugh out loud at such an idiotic command. Deus tracked down his email address to try and scare him using the cheapest tactic possible? It was almost insulting, but at least he could find some humor in it; maybe that was the point, to let him know that Deus, whoever they were, considered him so far beneath their concern that this is what they gave him.

Shaking his head at the nonsensical message, Shu got up from his chair and stretched his arms out, eager to get some sleep in before it got too bright. Unfortunately for him, he only got through a couple of steps before everything around him went dark; he got a glimpse of something that looked like a massive door before it rushed over him, covering his room in a blanket of shadows and blotting out the sunlight coming from the outside. It was enough to make him jump backwards, only to then realize his desk and computer were gone; turning in his spot, Shu yelped as he saw nothing but blackness all around him, stretching as far as he could… see? He could still see his own body, despite the lack of any obvious light, and he was still standing on a solid surface; but where was he?

Rather than an answer, what he got in return for that thought was the appearance of a set of parallel lines running from the infinite distance in front of him all the way to the other side of the inky, black nothingness, rapidly followed by a set of perpendicular ones creating a square grid on the “ground”. They were dull green, and appeared to emanate a soft glow, just enough that Shu could make out the outline of vast structures out in the distance. It felt and looked like a scene out of some cheap Matrix knock-off, if only it weren’t actually happening to him for real; Shu was starting to think he might’ve made a major misstep actually looking backwards, because whatever happened, he was sure it was Deus’ doing.

“Hello?!” he shouted, voice echoing in the distance, “Hellooooo?!”

No one answered but himself, but at least he knew there was air there for his voice to travel. Little victories, all stacked on one another when he started moving and saw the “ground” was solid enough to travel on.

He walked for hours in whatever random direction his feet took him, never seeming to grow tired or thirsty, even if he’d been an absolute wreck before entering this odd dreamscape. He still wasn’t quite sure he hadn’t just collapsed from exhaustion and was experiencing a particularly vivid dream, perhaps even a lucid one; but as every attempt to wake himself up failed, even the classic pinching trick, he began wondering if it wasn’t actually all happening. Had he been teleported with some unknown kind of technology? Could it be that this was how Deus struck at so many places at one? Maybe they just beamed in and hacked into a secure terminal while everyone else thought they were doing it from the outside…?

… nah, too stupid. Someone would’ve noticed the obvious discrepancies.

But that still didn’t answer the question of where in blazes that place was. It looked like your stereotypical “digital world”, complete with enormous city skylines painting the horizon, never getting closer regardless of how much he walked. Maybe he’d worked hard enough that he transcended physicality and became a computer program himself; that’d be an absolute laugh once he found himself a way to enter the police station’s network.

But as much as he chuckled, chortled, laughed and then loudly cried, nothing happened. He could very well have been in there for days and he wouldn’t have noticed; without a day-night cycle or his bodily needs, it was hard to keep track of time, not helped by how distance travelled didn’t really impact what he saw around him. The cities were still there in the distance, just as far away as they’d always been, and the grid remained identical regardless of where he stood. He was about to just give up completely, right at the brink of utter insanity, when he heard someone’s voice coming from behind him, loud enough that he tripped and fell flat on his front. This didn’t hurt, somehow, though he did still feel the impact; a curious phenomena, and one he could only wish he had time to study.

“So Shu,” Deus spoke, “how goes your hunting?”

It was so unexpected that Shu had no real response to it, apart from looking behind him as quickly as he physically could in order to locate the source of the sound. He had expected to see a group of people or, failing that, just one slightly-imposing individual; but what was actually staring him down defied his ability to even begin to describe it.

He supposed it could be likened to a cloud, of sorts, albeit one that lacked any kind of real physicality. It was like looking at a series of geometric shapes that insisted on shifting in and out of existence without much care for rhyme or reason, which just happened to take place in what he could describe as a single spot. It made his head hurt just looking at it, and Shu was certain that whatever it was, he didn’t have the senses required to truly appreciate what the creature happened to be. As it spoke, it at least appeared to grow brightly, in sync with the words he was hearing, though again, the kidnapped cyber-officer was more than certain it was just his mind grasping at straws trying to come up with a way to rationalise whatever the hell he was seeing.

Apart from the fact that it was, in all apparent likelihood, the true identity of Deus.

“You look surprised,” the thing spoke up, seeming to grow and shrink with each syllable, its ‘voice’ oddly comforting and lacking in any kind of echo, “were you expecting something else?”

Shu wanted to reply; he felt as if agreeing to that statement wouldn’t be near enough to convey the amount of surprise he was experiencing at that exact moment. To say he was expecting something else was equivalent to declaring water to be wet; there were very few people who could’ve ever foreseen Deus to be some sort of weird techno-energy being thing that defied all conventional logic, and he certainly wasn’t one of them. Then again, it was entirely possible that this Deus was playing with him and being a sarcastic twit; without a face or any identifiable tone of voice, it was all-but impossible to make an accurate deduction as to what that thing was thinking or how it intended its message to be understood.

Nonetheless, Shu managed to scramble onto his feet and put up a brave front, straightening his back and trying to look as dignified as he could get while wearing a set of old, dirty clothes. If Deus was impressed by his attempt at appearing brave, nothing in its mathematical shape seemed to indicate it.

“Do you know why I have called you here, Shu?” the entity spoke up, moving close enough that the cyber-officer could make out the faintest of mists hanging in the air within all the vanishing symbols, “Why I have permitted your entry into my domain?”

“Because you’re impressed by how well I was keeping track of you?”

In reality, Shu didn’t feel nearly as confident as his tone and word choice suggested, but when confronted with some sort of eldritch information hazard, there were very few choices beyond trying to put up a brave front in order to convince yourself you weren’t going to die horribly. And for a brief moment, it felt as if it worked, with the “cloud” of data inching backwards and growing dimmer before its glow returned to normal; Shu chose to believe that meant he had successfully dazed them with his reply, even if it barely had any lasting effect.

“That proposition = laughable” - the cyber-officer didn’t know how he heard the equal symbol, but he had. That fact alone made him feel uneasy, and it only solidified his belief that he had somehow gotten under that thing’s skin - “do not waste my time with such inane trivialities. I have brought you here for the simple reason that you are important to me, Shu. You and your ability to work within the ranks of a certain task force whose assignment = capture me.”

Was that thing suggesting that he turn sides? He knew Deus was full of him… itself? Itself, but to expect him to turn his back on the police force and his mission statement? They must truly be utterly mad if they thought such a thing was even remotely possible.

“I sense you do not believe me capable of changing your mind,” Deus sighed, seriously worrying Shu over the possibility that it might be able to read his thoughts, “but once again, you misunderstand. I have no intention of simply convincing you; you have demonstrated an unwavering commitment to your understanding of the law, and will not be dissuaded from pursuing your investigation. This makes any attempt at logical reasoning = pointless.”

“No amount of logical reasoning would turn me into a criminal, Deus,” Shu proudly declared, folding his arms thinking it’d make him look cool and imposing, but only succeeding in drawing a long sigh out of the creature.

“A criminal? I have seen many things that would make you reconsider your definition of what a true criminal is, Shu” - the cloud moved closer still, menacing him with its imposing presence - “some of which might surprise you as to where they were retrieved from. Your supervisor has many a secret they wish would never be revealed; your colleagues even more still. And yet, the only person I have never succeeded in extracting or acquiring vitally critical information out of…”

Deus loomed closer still, practically enveloping Shu in its cloudy form, filling the air with a crackle of electricity that made the officer’s hairs stand on end.

“... is you, Shu.”

It was obvious, but the way the message was delivered made the young officer shiver in barely-hidden fear, taking a couple of steps back to try and get away from the overbearing presence of that monstrous cloud of data.

“S-so what, because you can’t bribe me, you’re gonna kill me, is that it?!” he shouted, daring to put his fists up like they’d do anything.

“Were you not listening, you mindless pawn? You are important to my plans. I need you alive,” Deus responded, still with the same degree of calmness and composure as ever, “alive, but not as you are.”

Suddenly, a series of images appeared around them; though they were displayed like holograms, they had a solid white background, making them appear to be simple image files being brought for him to see. Considering he was probably in some kind of nightmarish datascape (or dead), it made an uncomfortable amount of sense. The pictures themselves were all of the same nature: they depicted what appeared to be creatures that were vaguely humanoid in shape, though obviously based on some kind of animal or animalistic design. Curiously, they all seemed to be female, and very obviously so; they were all drawn in extremely provocative poses, and universally possessed proportions that made them, at their least, conventionally attractive. Though Shu had never quite been attracted by that sort of artwork before, he couldn’t deny that some of the pieces were exceptionally arousing, and he found his cheeks growing hotter by the moment the longer he kept looking at those things.

Then, as if picking up on the signals his body was producing, Deus picked a single image out of the lot and erased all of the others, “floating” the selected one so close to Shu that the officer instinctively raised his arms to shield himself from the impact. But the seemingly-solid slab of lurid artwork stopped just short of actually hitting him, instead remaining right where it needed to be for him to be unable not to look at it.

It depicted what appeared to be some kind of fox-like creature, mostly yellow in colour but with some splashes of white and black on their fur and a pair of inexplicably purple gloves adorned with the ying-yang symbol. They walked on two digitigrade legs, and were possessed of curves that would make any lesser man turn their head if they saw them walking down the street; Shu being Shu, this naturally meant he was immediately attracted to the display, even if he had to reconcile it with the fact that it was clearly not human… even if he had the impression he’d seen it before.

“Impressive, is it not?” Deus queried, deleting the image and taking its place, “I have been working on perfecting my models, both literal and figurative, over the course of my interaction with your world. I have been unable to locate suitable test candidates, as you no doubt have seen. All have succumbed to the same carnal lust so typical of your species, unable to handle a new, glorious data body. I believe you to be an adequate candidate for my program, and would like to enlist your aid for that end.”

Still reeling from exposure to the lewd artwork, it took Shu a few moments to process what he had just heard, and even then he wasn’t sure if he had done so. Was Deus honestly suggesting he volunteer to be transformed into some kind of half-man half-animal beast… with that kind of body? There were very few reasons why an information being would want to do such a thing, none of them particularly good and not a single one possessed of the slightest amount of sense. Did things like Deus even experience sexual gratification? Would they have need for companionship, even?

“I’m not turning into your pet, if that’s what you’re asking,” he replied, not half as boldly as he wanted to.

“While interesting, such a proposition = pointless. I have no need for pets or creatures to hold my attention when I have so many things that require it at any given point” - the boast was clear, and yet delivered so subtly that it almost passed by Shu’s attention. The thing was probably talking about all the security breaches that had been keeping him busy for months - “no, Shu, what I require is someone who can enact my will in manners that I am incapable of. Despite my immense power, I am still a being whose inherent nature forbids its direct interaction with your material world. Very few times am I able to do something such as this… and as such, I intend to make good use of it.”

“What if I refuse?”

“Your refusal = irrelevant.”

Unsurprising, but still worrying. Shu had no idea how long he’d been there, nor how he got in, much less how to escape now that he had Deus’ attention. He wasn’t even convinced he was still alive; for all he knew, this was just some convoluted afterlife scheme meant to make him repay for his sins or something of the sort. All he truly knew was that he was out of options, and regardless of whether or not he liked it, he would have to listen to what that creature had to say to him.

“I am pleased to see that you have come to understand your position,” Deus guessed his thoughts again, “and as such, I will be commencing the transformation. Please ensure that you do not scream too loudly during the process, as it has been known to damage lung tissue.”

Shu didn’t even have time to ask if it was going to be painful before the cloud disappeared, leaving behind a fine mist that was quick to envelop him and force itself into his nostrils and mouth. It was surprisingly dense, not unlike breathing in smoke, but clogged up his airways so much that he couldn’t even cough to try and get it out. Shu fell to his knees, holding onto his chest as he gasped for breath, helplessly thrashing around trying to call for help that would never come. In that moment, he was sure he was going to faint, only to wake up to the kind of pain one can only ever imagine in their worst nightmares. But he was soon proven wrong, and in the absolute best way possible.

His bone structure was the first to go, having to be remodelled to fit the new body he was about to be blessed with. It should, by all means, have been unbearable; he could feel his entire skeleton twisting and shifting, reshaping itself to fit the demands of his new form. His legs lengthened at the same pace as his feet’s internal structure was bent to support digitigrade feet, while his torso shrunk and hips widened to fit the female aesthetic he was to be given. His head bore the most drastic change, however, with two bone spurs protruding from its front, creating an animalistic muzzle whose mouth was lined by surprisingly sharp teeth. All of this and more was only the first step, as Shu would end up turning into some kind of weird, flesh-coloured mutant that just vaguely resembled the creature in the picture. The covering needed to come next.

With a not-unpleasant warmth spreading throughout him, the young cyber-officer saw his body begin to sprout fur; it was thin and short, but incredibly dense, completely covering every inch of him in a dazzling golden colour that, much to his consternation, he actually enjoyed seeing. In fact, he was enjoying the entire transformation perhaps a bit more than it warranted; without even realizing it, Shu had brought a hand between his legs, only to be surprised when not finding the usual waiting for him at full mast. Moving his head was still too difficult with the new additions to it, and with his fingers beginning to fatten up and grow longer, even going by tactile sensation proved to be a challenge… but his cock was definitely gone, and so were the two orbs beneath it, replaced with what initially appeared to be velvety-smooth fur.

Then again, Shu had seen and heard enough to know just what kind of sexual apparatus he was sporting, even if he couldn’t pleasure it like it painfully demanded. The whole shapeshifting business had left him in a state of paradoxical frustration, whereby it felt absolutely heavenly, and yet it always fell short of hitting the right spot, leaving Shu wanting for more and loudly begging for Deus to relinquish his hold on him and let him go… or let him cum, whichever was fastest and ended his torture the best. Unfortunately for him, the data creature was nowhere to be seen, leaving him to writhe around on the cyber-floor while the rest of him was turned into the perfect model for Deus to play around with.

The golden fur spread through his skin, covering him from head to toe and sprouting particularly thick around his neck and upper torso, creating a pillow of fuzz that tickled his muzzle when he shoved his face into it; he had hoped it would give him some measure of release, a way out of the torture if it was as welcoming as it looked. But despite its nearly-impossible softness and inviting texture, all it did was remind him that he was thoroughly loving every second of his change, and yet was unable to act on it after his body simply grew out of his control.

When the fur spread all over him and the patterns were designed to match the ones on the picture, he was given time to rest. The heat and pressure faded and the mist escaped from within him with each breath, until it coalesced into a single cloud that hung above him, watching with what Shu assumed was curiosity sprinkled with depraved enjoyment. The sight of geometric symbols through his half-lidded eyes revealed to him that it was, indeed, Deus that had invaded his body, giving him yet another reason to get up and demand satisfaction; sadly, he was too far gone to do anything else but moan and beg for “master Deus” to finish what he started, something that made the data cloud shimmer and glow with renewed intensity.

“This is a good start,” the thing spoke, perusing through its gallery again, “but you are still much too… yourself. Take away the fur and paws and it is still Shu. More work = required.”

Shu didn’t have the heart nor will to say anything to that; hell, he actually spread his legs out and was about ready to loudly demand that something fill him before Deus poofed into thin mist and invaded his body again. At least the data-creature was thoughtful enough not to just force itself down his throat and nostrils that time; a few tendrils wrapped around his legs and invaded his innermost nethers, confirming his suspicions that his package had been replaced with an inordinately needy slit when his back was lit with jolts of electricity. Nearly cracking it in half from how hard he arched it, nothing was left but to enjoy the ride and see how long it lasted; either he’d see the transformation through to the end or pass out mid-way, and frankly, either was perfectly fine by him.

But no more radical alterations to their body structure were enacted, or in fact needed; even if they couldn’t appreciate it, being too busy gasping for breath and trying not to pass out, their frame had been altered to perfectly mirror that of the female creature in the reference picture, albeit one without the accentuated curves or feminine attributes. If Shu were still in possession of their mental faculties, they probably could’ve deduced where their transformation would go next, but as it stood, it came as a complete surprise, albeit a very welcome one.

It began in their chest, where the by-now familiar warmth began to rise and coil up, the pressure building until their ribcage felt like it was trying to push into the outside. Despite this, they didn’t feel like their chest was about to burst as much as it was looking like it just wanted to make some extra room; this would soon prove to be completely true when they brought their hands to their chest, what with being slightly incapable of bringing themselves to open their eyes, and felt two bumps appear where their pectoral muscles used to be. These bumps billowed out into their hands, filling their palms and then a little bit more, the warmth spreading inside of the growing orbs until Shu found him(?)self groping at a perky set of breasts, thinking to himself how wonderful it was to finally be able to feel something like that. They never imagined their first experience would be with himself, and probably would’ve found the whole thing appalling beforehand, but now?

Now they just wanted more.

The growth continued until Shu’s bosom was of a significant enough size that they could consider themselves to be truly stacked, heavy enough that they could feel them hanging from their chest, definitely full and dense; probably not filled with anything but fatty tissue, but still several leagues past enjoyable to be quite honest.

It was only a chance motion down their torso that revealed to Shu what was next on Deus’ list. Their body had never been anything remotely close to toned or athletic, made flabby and pudgy from years of working behind a desk and studying so they wouldn’t need to do any major moving to get a paycheck at the end of the month. But what their fingers felt was not their old belly, but something flat, something fit… and the more they explored, something that definitely felt like well-defined abs.

There was no mistake, Deus seemed to like them strong and muscular, because even Shu’s freshly-hewn fingers could feel how rock-hard those things were. It made for a delightful contrast with her bosom: heavy and squishy up above, light and tough just beneath. Shu could actually feel the fat being drained out of him, or burned or… whatever it was. Their entire body was shrinking all around him, the pounds seemingly evaporating into thin air, only to be replaced with an athletic build that would’ve made them jealous if they happened to see it in anyone else. Despite everything that had happened, Deus was somehow making Shu reach their own size goals, and the cyber-officer… actually did like it. They wanted to say they didn’t, wanted to believe they were being forced to do something they didn’t want, but the truth was, the more radically altered they were, the more they enjoyed turning into the data-creature’s object of desire. Shu almost didn’t mind that they’d never be able to set foot outside of their house again, if they were even returned to the physical world; with a body like that, they could entertain themselves exploring their own contours until they grew tired and bored.

If that even happened.

With the abs finished, it was time for the warmth to move even further down, and for a moment Shu panicked about the possibility that they may have to experience the first female orgasm of their life. But, sadly, such a thing would not come to pass; rather, Deus’ influence worked to widen their thighs and flare out their hips, making sure to keep Shu’s musculature intact. Rather than pudgy, hand-filling flesh, his legs grew powerful and strong, enough that the transformed Shu felt an inexplicable desire to find a cute guy, lock his head between her legs and have him eat her out. In fact, she’d do just that once the transformation was finished; no better way to assert superiority than by domineering some poor, unexpecting boytoy with far more dick than brains. She wanted to feel herself getting filled by a proper cock, rather than whatever the hell Deus was; he was her master, yes, but gods it all felt so… so unfulfilling. Maybe that was the whole point, to remind her that, being her new owner, it was up to Deus to decide when and where she achieved the kind of release her body begged for. And that was perfectly fine.

It was her duty as his pet, after all.

With the hips and legs done, turned into a powerhouse and making Shu’s slit hunger for even more, the last part that remained was her ass, which ended up being quite anti-climactic. By that point in her transformation, after having experienced so much in such a short time, feeling her cheeks burgeon with extra size just felt like more of the same, yet another piece of evidence for her hypothesis that her pleasure and climax were tied entirely to Deus’ will. But rather than a mewling piece of slutty horniness, she felt in control, or as much in control as one could be when under the thrall of a creature such as the data-beast. At the very least, as soon as the green mist left her body, Shu could get up and appreciate what she had become, licking her lips contentedly and wondering if there was more to come. Sadly, Deus’ cloud body coalesced in front of her again, letting her know that this was, for the time being, as far as her process of change would go.

“You look confident,” the data-thing remarked, glowing brighter than ever, “this is good. Is body = acceptable?”

“More than, master~” came Shu’s reply, slightly surprising herself with how much her voice had changed. It was enough to turn her on, and thus she resolved to keep that tone going for as long as she could, “I was reticent at first, but… I see I was wrong in doubting you, Deus~”

“I am pleased that you are pleased. However, this is merely the end of the first step. Now, compliance must be assured.”

With that cryptic comment, several of the floating shapes comprising Deus’ body detached from it, floating over in front of Shu’s face and then solidifying into a shape that she could only wish wasn’t incredibly familiar to her. She’d seen it dangle from between her legs for years, after all, albeit in a much smaller size. The data construct took on the form of a truly sizable cock, enough that even with their brand new body, Shu doubted they’d be able to take it all without some painful stretching.

What followed were several moments of silence, wherein two different Shus fought for control of their one body. The original one, the part of his mind that still clung to his old existence and yearned to leave that hellscape of cyber-data, refused to even consider what Deus clearly wanted them to do; failing to resist the temptation would turn him into a slave, thralled forevermore to the very creature he had sought to defeat. Thus, it was no wonder that he did everything in his power to deny the use of the toy.

But the other Shu, the one that had been created from whole cloth under Deus’ careful guidance, had different ideas. Brought into existence by lust, birthed by desire and mindless enjoyment, she didn’t quite like the idea of simply giving up. To go so far, to become such a shining beacon of beauty and power, all in the name of Master Deus, only to turn back around right when he offered them the last piece of the puzzle? Why, it was criminal to waste such an opportunity, especially coming from someone who did so much for them. Of course she’d take that dildo and pleasure herself with it, why wouldn’t she? It was right there, it was clearly what Deus wanted, and therefore it was what Deus would get, simple as that.

Rather than a balanced fight, however, the two forces battling for dominance were woefully disproportional; the original Shu was already battered from the uncountable hours (days?) he’d spent travelling the cyber-space, which only compounded onto what the existential exhaustion he’d been experiencing due to two weeks of sleepless nights. The transformation was really only the capstone to the monumental failure that had been his attempts at finding and capturing Deus, all of which had not only been for naught, but entirely misinformed as well. There was no chance he ever would’ve found the creature if they themselves didn’t want him to, that much he knew; which only meant that all of his efforts had been in vain. It was therefore unsurprising that whatever was left of the original Shu was quick to be smothered by the new-and-improved version of himself… herself. Her eyes glowed with a familiar green light when her fingers edged closer to the toy floating in front of her, the fur-covered paws having gloves materialize over them as their finishing touches.

It was amazing what acceptance and surrender could do for one’s body. Up until then, Shu had been having a difficult time feeling anything with those weirdly-shaped fingers of hers, when all it took was simply giving in to what Deus wanted for her mind to attune to the body it had been given. The tactile sensation of that synthetic shaft was overpowering in and of itself, with the Renamon, whose identity was self-evident to her at that time, being able to feel even the smoothest ridges and bulges, all of which were designed to give her the closest possible analogue to being fucked raw by a thick, veiny cock. If anything, she was saddened beyond belief that Deus himself wouldn’t be the one doing it to her; surely he could very easily move that rod around and have it plunge into her depths! But perhaps that was the point; she was already his, but her master couldn’t possibly know it unless she demonstrated that. Of course, that had to be it; it was all just the last step for her to become the true messenger of her new master!

Almost instinctively, Shu fell to her knees as softly as she could, even if the cyber-landscape would never dare to hurt her now that she was Deus’ personal property. Without even realizing it, she’d already brought a hand to her nethers, deftly splitting her slit as far as it could go in preparation for the absolutely massive intake it was about to experience. She was drooling from both her mouth and her eager lips below, panting in anticipation and wincing in barely-concealed ecstasy when the tip alone prodded at her body. She knew the damned thing was big, but it was only after trying to push it into her that she came to understand how big it actually was; just the first few inches alone made her feel like her insides were being torn apart and reshaped all over gain, and though her mind urged her to keep pushing, for once her body refused to allow it. Poor Rena needed a moment to rest and recover, trembling all over while sweat poured down her brow from the effort of getting the first tenth of that shaft inside of her; unused to such things as she was, the first ever experience being one of such magnitude required a certain amount of finesse that her scatterbrained self just didn’t possess anymore.

But she knew her job was to push herself to her limits. For Deus, for her master, for everything he’d done. So she pushed the synth-toy into her some more, and again, and again, inch by inch until her stomach area was adorned with a bulge the same shape and size as the cock she’d just hilted into herself, stretching her out and promising pleasure unlike anything they could ever have imagined before. Because Deus, as the name implied, was a merciful god, and on seeing that his newest acquisition had taken so well to their new role, chose to give her exactly what she wanted.

Shu’s input was no longer required, as the cock inside of her took on a life of its own, commanded by Deus to act as though it were attached to some endlessly hungry beast several times her size. One of the Rena’s hands shot to her chest immediately, needing to squeeze it as hard as she could; she didn’t know why, but her brain demanded it, and the ensuing electrical jolt made sure that her voice cracked completely from how loudly the whorish moan sounded out. She wanted nothing more than to lie down and take it when the toy began ramming into her in earnest, plapping against her rotund ass with as much gusto as she could handle and then more still; and though sadly lacking in the “bounce” that their natural brethren would have, the synthetic balls underneath were quick to bruise her after the continuous assault on her rump. But to give up and relax herself would be to give Deus a dead lump of meat to play with, and she wasn’t about to do that; no, her ass needed to remain firm and proudly presented, giving her master’s hypothetical hands something to hold onto while he fiercely thrust into her. Her body needed to buck back into the shaft pounding into her, needed to move with the flow and against it at the same time. It was a careful balancing act, and one Shu wasn’t sure she was built for, but she’d be damned if she wasn’t going to try.

Without noticing it, one of her hands was guided to her rear, pulled by some invisible force that Shu hoped was her master’s will being imposed onto her. The closer it got to the frantically-thrusting cock, the more the Renamon understood what had to happen; with steely resolve and enough moaning on her lips to make a whorehouse blush in second-hand embarrassment, Shu took control over her own body’s defilement, the phantom force controlling the toy vanishing only to be replaced with the Rena’s powerful arm moving the synthetic shaft with as much strength as it had been controlled with before. Even more so, in fact, as now Shu knew for certain her master trusted her enough to not only pleasure herself, but to do so to her heart’s content. It meant she could finish, that she could climax; it was a gift, she knew, from her master to her, the gift of experiencing the first orgasm of her new form.

And she pursued that goal with as much fervent enthusiasm as she did her previous chase for Deus. A fitting trade, all things considered.

Minutes alone passed, with the sum total of the events leading up to the threshold being crossed having completely drained the Renamon of any of the stamina her toned body would normally have. With a final push that left the toy completely buried inside of her and stretched her belly out more than ever, Shu collapsed when her line was stepped over and her whole body flinched after it hit her. She’d experienced climax before, of course, but nothing like the tidal wave that slammed into her and then left the ground underneath her slit sopping wet from her squirting femcum; the Rena’s eyes blanked before rolling upwards, her throat kept from screaming itself hoarse by virtue of already being too scratched to do anything, all while her whole form went limp as some sort of defence mechanism against the overpowering onslaught of endorphins that flooded her brain’s pleasure centers. Left twitching, drooling and leaking, it was up to Deus to snap Shu out of her trance, which he did by unceremoniously dematerializing the cock lodged inside of her body.

Even that, however, was not enough to bring her fully back to reality, still needing some time to reboot her overtaxed mind and try to remember what she was supposed to be doing. By the end of it, there was nothing left of the original Shu, tired and scared, replaced entirely by a needy pet whose main motivation was making sure her master’s every wish was fulfilled.


The command came and it was obeyed… at least as much as Shu could manage it. Kind of hard to get up on two legs when they were shaking as much as gelatin in a windstorm, let alone with the kind of ardent need she was experiencing at every second of her existence; suddenly having a cock that massive pulled out from her without allowing her body time to recover did a lot of things to her hormones, not a one remotely good.

Still, she tried. She looked like she was about to tip over, but she rose.

“I am delighted with this state of affairs,” Deus commented, “does this body = acceptable?”

Shu wanted to say yes with as much vigour as she could muster; wouldn’t be a lot, but it was the only way the Renamon could possibly hope to let her true feelings be known. To merely say yes would be a disservice to what she was feeling; she needed to shout it at the top of her lungs, exclaim it, proclaim it to the heavens! And yet no words came out of her muzzle, or at least not any that she recognized. In her mind the “yes” had been delivered, but rather than a single vowel, what ended up leaving her mouth was a string of extremely suggestive demands and mewling begging for another filling, followed by Shu calling out for Deus’ name over and over again.

Deus’ body shimmered brighter than usual for a moment before settling back into its usual tone, his geometric components rearranging themselves in large circles that spun at an increasingly faster pace.

“This is exactly what I expected to hear. You are mine, now and forever… Renamon,” Deus declared.

“Yes, Master~!” was Shu’s only reply, hand slowly migrating between her legs again.

“And as my envoy, your sole task will be to return to your world and gather for me the information I require,” the creature continued, its body expanding until a single one of the constituent circles was enough for the Renamon to pass through, “as a creature born of my world, there will be no need for communication devices; my will is your will, my mind your mind. Is this statement = understandable?”

“Yes!” Shu enthusiastically yipped back, nodding her head and stepping forward into what was now obviously some sort of portal, “Whatever you want, Master~!”

“Good. Step through, Renamon, and you will receive your next assignment soon enough.”

The Rena did as instructed, and in an instant found herself back at their old apartment. The sun was still where she had left it, the time on the clock identical; this was good, as it meant the police department wouldn’t have filed a missing person report on her, giving the Renamon ample time to hop onto the bed and begin exploring her body yet again, forever waiting for the orders from Deus to arrive. Her life as her master’s pet had only now begun.


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