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Originally planned to finish this by the end of this month, but due to scheduling conflicts, it will be delayed to early June.

I apologize in advance! Pledges have been paused again for this month and the next.

I'm almost finished with this other loop. It will still be posted a week after Hamichi is published though as I am interested to post it as a set together with other loops.




No worries mate, make sure to take it easy


ooh separate loops for each party games cast?

anna blazer

You've paused pledges for a while.


I don't see the reason for pausing pledges again. You have put content out consistently, engaged with your fans and continue to work. Many of us are here to support your endeavors!

Phil Swabo

I agree, no need to pause pledges, seeing the results are always well worth the wait, and that’s why you deserve the support.

Jock Murphy

I can’t speak for anyone else, but I would love to be charged. I joined because I want to support you, and life is just life sometimes

Corrupted Michael

Everybody be like: shut up and take my money!


No worries. Take care. P.S.: I agree with lot of others. Pausing the pledges is unnecessary!

Alvin Franco

I love that this fanbase/community is so supportive and appreciates hard working artists. So eager to donate, despite no rewards! But in fairness, there are some people here who would feel like they’re getting strung along, getting charged month by month with no rewards. I respect your integrity, and for making it simpler for them. Frankly, money is a little bit tight for me as well. I’d hate to have to pull out of membership and accidentally miss something in the future. ☹️This way I can keep seeing all posts and updates! And it probably saves a lot of hassle on the back end too. The quieter lurkers may start demanding refunds or making accusations, who knows? Either way, thanks so much Derpixon, for being straight forward and moral about payments!

Josiah Morris

Yeah this guy put it best.

Tom Fu

Take the money and keep working, please!


Hey just wanted to say me and me fiance love watching your work together. As everyone else has said please take the money- you’re working to create quality content and it’s worth the wait and money(: thanks for your hard-work!