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Hello everyone! I hope you're doing well! 

First of all, a little, err... Word... So... Last week didn't end as planned. On Thursday after going to Paris to show fabrics I had dinner with photographer and friend Bakufu, we met in a nice parisian café then went to a japanese restaurant, talked about future sets, and other fun stuff. Everything was fine and I went back home for midnight, Cinderella style, very tired from my shopping session, so I fell asleep feeling something was weird in my mouth but being too tired to pay attention to it. When I woke up on Friday, my tongue was way larger than usual ;___; I couldn't talk properly, and it was very very uncool. In the afternoon I decided to go to the pharmacy, they gave me some mouthwash liquid but it was only worst after using it. In the evening, I started to have trouble breathing. It wasn't too bad, but understanding that you start to suffocate isn't the most pleasant thing on earth, and it's quite a stressful thing, being anxious never helping with breathing greatly, it was a never ending circle. So, I decided to call the emergency doctor to have advice, and they told me to ask for a doctor to come by my place asap to check my tongue. So. Yeah. I had to cancel the livestream, the doctor show'd up at 11PM, gave me some medicine for the allergy (we don't know what I reacted to, last time I got checked for allergies I had no food allergy, I will have to take the test again... So... We don't know if it's hay fever or something else...), and it was so strong I slept for the next 14 hours >_> I have to take medicine tomorrow and thursday too. (6 days in total) The side effects are very strong (feel sleepy and dizzy, visual hallucinations...) which is why I wasn't much active last days. I had to stay in bed and I was feeling funny all the time. I used this time to edit TONS of pictures on photoshop, play little games, and watch Heroes :d

So, yeah, that was basically what I did on Monday and Tuesday. 

Wednesday - I sent the lvl 15+ set! I will have to solve health insurance paperwork in the morning because they have been messing with it again and I had to pay everything by myself despite having health insurance >: In the afternoon I will try to sew if I don't feel too bad, else I will work on a YouTube video. (The ETS2 livestream! And maybe an ASMR video as it was requested by few people haha, I thought I could give it a try!)

Thrusday - Lys should be home, yay! We will be working on our respective stuff, I will be uploading and sending the Schoolgirl set. 

Friday - It's livestream day! I will get ready for the livestream (Starts at 10PM, Paris hour!) and it'll be Life is Strange this week, as I couldn't do it last week due to this stupid allergy.

Saturday - Convention day~!! I will be wearing Ryuko and taking pictures outside at Paris Manga.

Sunday - Convention day~!! I will be wearing Cinder and taking pictures outside again, at Paris Manga. And I'll post pictures for Selfie Sunday, of course :3

I wish you a nice week :)




Henry Pang

Hope you are feeling better.


Glad to hear you're okey and that you are doing better. Those sound like some plans you have for this week. Don't overwork your self and get some rest along the way.