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Hey there! 

Tonight, a little post about the editing process of my vampire set (the lvl 15+ set of the month!) 

Here is how I set this dark and mysterious atmosphere for my gorgeous bloodthirsty babe ^-^ 

On the first image is the RAW : This picture is straight from the camera with absolutely 0 editing. For this set we worked in low light and had to boost the ISO a little bit (320 I believe!), we had a bit of natural light but not much since we shoot indoors and late in a cloudy afternoon, a DEL ring light to keep the face and body decently lighted, plus 2 DEL bars, one in pure red mode (Left side of the pics) and one in a very warm orange tone to contrast a bit (right side of the pics). It creates a very dark, reddish mood to the pictures, perfect for the vampire, and adds some beautiful red/gold lights in the ginger wig!

Then I had to balance the colors and lights/shadows/contrasts a little bit on Lightroom. I created a preset to remove the extreme red light on my skin, adding a bit of blue/green in the lighter parts of the pictures to bring some depth! As you can see, my body "pops" more in this version and it catches more the attention of the viewer, in the RAW pictures I feel more "lost" in the background :) 

I complete the picture's editing on Photoshop after that! First I reframe the picture a little bit, then I clean the skin to achieve a perfect, glowy vampire look! I also brighten it slightly and boost contrasts just on the skin :) As you can see, I also removed the shadow of the hair on my cheek, because it was just too strong and not very nice. Better without! Then I darken the left part of the picture when needed, because else it's catching the attention without purpose. After that, I brighten some parts with interesting details for them to catch the eye: The lace of the lingerie, the red eyes, and a little bit in the hair. I finish my editing by adding a little bit of red in soft light mode in my eyes and around the fake blood for it to be more obvious. Let's add a tiny bit of sharp, and voila ! 

That's a lot, but quite the basic thing to be honest. This set is quite easy to edit and everything goes smoothly! (It's still a lot of work but it's nothing compared to the Yuna set, for example, so I'm kind of enjoying that hahaha!) 

I hope you enjoyed that explanation ^-^ If you have any question, I'll be happy to answer in the comments below or in private messages!  




That's a great work! And so... which clan are you?


I’m fascinated by this! I would really like to see more of the before during and after editing. It’s so easy to forget how much effort goes in to the editing when it’s always perfect. Bravo

pete johns

I love the before and after to show what you do by editing. The raw images look good but I see how you approve things as it goes along. Amazing work by both you and the photographer.