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Hello everybody,

I've just got a quick question to ask regarding a completed corruption sequence which hasn't been released. 

Some of you might have noticed that I haven't been as active this week as usual and there's a reason for that. I was asked to do a rush job (commission) for somebody in time for their birthday and I accepted it. I finished this sequence within the week and it's now just sat waiting to be shared with the world (something the commissioner is happy with).

I've held off sharing it because I don't want to just keep churning out corruption sequence after corruption sequence, one after the other. I'm worried that they might get boring if I do  that. 

You see for MY next piece of personal work, I was going to mix it up a little anyway and you'll see how shortly. I plan on always thinking of new ways to try and keep this genre fresh for you guys. 

Anyway, I'm going off on a tangent. My question is to you is do you want me to just to release it anyway, or maybe leave it a week so it's not right after the Izanami's sequence? 

Here's the protag - Jessi:

Anyways, let me know in the poll guys :D

Thanks for your on-going support!



So I'm biased because I signed up explicitly for the corruption sequences, but I don't get the harm in releasing it now. Many artist out there do almost exclusively corruption sequences, and they don't get boring.


Well that’s great news. Thanks for your input, Cassie 😁

John Doe 777

This is just my opinion but I rather wait a week if that means that we get to see the full corruption sequence right away in 1 post and not just 1 step of the corruption every 2-3 days I think that just kills the flow.


That is not corruption it is bimbofication and it is really boring